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Posts posted by caterpillar

  1. Oh my word. I just got an acceptance e-mail from the graduate school of Abilene Christian University. this doesn't feel real. I'm nervous it's not. WOW! AN ACCEPTANCE. I could be going to grad school this fall. This is insane. I am smiling ear to ear and trying to act normal at work.


    WOW!!!! God is GOOD!



  2. Your husband and I seem to have a lot in common!  lol  I started community college in 2001, several withdrawals and a few repeated classes @ comm college(finally got serious and finished in 2011) and then didn't get my B.A. until 2013.


    Haha yes, the non-traditional student story! :) He didn't really take things seriously until about 2004, so the first few years of his transcripts are all over the place in terms of class success.

  3. I would also say GRE is counted as pretty important if not as important.  I have a pretty good GPA and lower GREs, and from what I have seen from people posting their stats of acceptances they have a lower GPA than me, but better GREs.  I wish schools would just briefly mention what they don't like, for example GRE scores so I would know what to work on.  I was hoping my GPA, internships, and volunteering would help me, but that hasn't been the case so far.


    I'm going to agree with this. I know for us, we had intended to apply to Northern Arizona U, but their website made clear that anyone under a 3.5 on AW wouldn't be accepted. Much the same as GPA, I think many schools have a hard and fast cutoff for what they'll accept to weed out some of the applicants.

  4. I'm a new member to gradcafe but I've been lurking for a while now.  This is my second year applying to schools.  Last year I applied to two and was waitlisted at one and rejected at the other.  This year I applied to four and have been rejected by two and haven't heard from the others, one of which I KNOW is notifying.  I'm so frustrated.  I can't afford to NOT work and my student loans from my undergrad program have now become due. Do I apply again? What's going to make me competitive enough to get in next year?  Nothing will have changed.


    What did you change between this year and last?

  5. One of my schools wants my admissions deposit by March 24th. That would be fine but I still haven't heard from two of my schools. And I'm still wondering about funding. I'm confused :/


    You could ask for an extension, citing the two remaining schools, or you could reach out to the two schools and ask for a status update.

  6. I figured I would hear back from at least a couple schools this week....but I guess I'll just have to wait until next week. the wait is worse than the application process itself!


    Yeah, I feel like this is generally a busier week. And I agree, the wait is more excruciating than getting even a negative answer! At least when he was rejected last year, we knew to stop tentatively planning. As it is now, I sit at my desk all morning, looking at TGC between work and waiting for 3:30 when I know my husband will have checked the mail. :P

  7. I have a question for everyone.  Your input is appreciated.  Do you think that admission committee will look into the length of time that one took to complete an undergraduate degree and also repeating several courses? Thanks.


    I don't think so. My husband entered community college in 2000 and didn't get his BA until 2007, with several repeated classes and withdrawals. It's never come up as a point of concern, even when chatting with professors.

  8. Just received an acceptance email from Northern Arizona followed by an email saying that the department wold like to "recall" the previous invitation email.. 10 minutes later, I received another acceptance email. WHAT a roller coaster of an acceptance but I'll take it since it is my first acceptance!! 


    Anyone else received the same emails?


    Congrats on getting in, but man, what a stressful acceptance! :o

  9. I got lower third, so my chances are "highly unlikely". I had emailed her yesterday so it was a bummer of a reply :(


    Sorry to hear that. :( We're taking the mid-range placement as a probable rejection at this point.

  10. This week is the week for me. I'm waiting for 1 more school decision (I only applied to 2, and got rejected from the first). Anxiety is on high right now. :/


    We're expecting to hear back from UCA this week, which is tied with FHSU on our list. Unfortunately it looks like they've historically sent out answers on the 13th/14th of March, so we've got a few more days.  :ph34r:

  11. I don't feel comfortable sharing too many personal details on the internet, but I just wanted to pop in and say that it's fun hearing more about all of you...and WOW, I feel like an old, married hag!  You're all so young!  A preview of things to come in grad school, I suppose. :)


    My husband turns 33 on Friday! I'm also pretty surprised by how young most everyone is here. :) 

  12. My husband is the one applying, and what he's heard through the grapevine is that it's not any more advantageous than being a woman. They're not going to overrepresent men in admissions so at best you find that the proportion of men accepted out of the pool of men applying is the same proportion as the amount of women accepted out of the pool of women applying. Again, not science, only hearsay, but it made sense to me. :)

  13. Pacific University just called and offered me a place! I'm over the moon! I will very likely be accepting this offer, but I'm going to call PSU to see how high on the wait list I am before I do. I really love Pacific's program, but PSU is so much cheaper and closer to me, that if it's a possibility I think I have to consider it. I am so relieved and happy!



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