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Posts posted by caterpillar

  1. Has anyone else noticed that there are no rejections on the search results page.  Just acceptances and waitlisted.


    Waitlisted here.


    Judging by the way they rolled out acceptances one day and the waitlists a second day, I would guess that we'll see rejections today or very soon this week for those who didn't make the first two pools.


    That being said, if TGC only represents a fraction of the people who applied to PSU, that's gotta be a pretty large waitlist...

  2. I would honestly be surprised if they were. Usually TGC has many more acceptances posted than the three that are up there so far, and I can't imagine who volunteered to send out 50+ acceptance emails at 1 o'clock in the morning on a Saturday ... :blink: The whole thing is pretty strange but I'm gonna have to keep up hope that they're staggering acceptances this year. 

  3. you guys applying to portland, did you do the post bach first? do they accept people that haven't done the post bach?




    I am waiting to hear for UBC.... this is my first time applying and I only applied to one school..I know... I know.. Rookie move... BUT my heart is set on Vancouver!!!!



    Yes, my husband completed his post-bacc at PSU. They don't accept people who haven't completed the pre-reqs - i.e. there's no extended masters program.

  4. I woke up to a notification of acceptance from Portland State University! I'm so excited to have one out-of-region option! I might try to do a visit/vacation now that I know I'm in. Does anyone know anything about how PSU does funding?


    Congrats!!! PSU has very little funding - as far as I know, they pick a handful of students out of the 50 they accept and offer them assistantships, but overall it's not the standard to offer funding.

  5. Ahhhh Portland State results being posted. :( It's the most unaffordable school my husband applied to (I think it would be something like $23k for the first year, out of state) but we loved living there and I've already got job offers waiting if he gets in. Gonna be a nervous weekend.  :unsure:

  6. OH MY GOODNESS GUYS, I GOT INTO FSU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    At this point I think I can reveal that it was my top choice school and I am definitely accepting (so anyone who applied to any of my other schools, know that you have one less competitor). They have the BEST autism program - which I also have to apply for, so expect me to continue posting with more application worries - and I'm SO excited about this!


    I don't even know what to do with myself right now. I find myself checking and rechecking the letter they emailed (yes, it was email). This doesn't feel like real life.


    I'll probably post again more when this has sunken in. But in the meanwhile OMG I GOT IN!!!!!!!



  7. Well maybe this isn't where I should rub in that it will be sunny and 75... okay maybe not 75 but the high today was be 63 here in San Diego. ;)


    Gotta love the southwest! 


    Hehe, high of 70 here in San Jose today.  ^_^ Though as a friend recently said, we'll be bathing out of Dixie cups by summer, so we shouldn't be too smug. :P

  8. Are CSU's will be the last one to send their acceptances? Any ideas from last year?


    Anyone know or applied to UNR when they notify?


    Typically, yes. My husband applied to East Bay last year - they waitlisted him on April 10th, and rejected him (only after he emailed to inquire) on May 24th. You can check the history in the results page for the other schools but it seems like they all notified much later than the non-CSU schools.

  9. Checked my portal for UT-Austin and saw that I was rejected :(  So sad since that means my family will definitely have to relocate (considering I get in elsewhere).


    Feeling a bummed right now, but I know the Lord will help me find joy in the journey and that there is a plan in place  :)


    Sorry to hear that, SweetPea21. :( 

  10. Guys. I just finished Lost. My life is complete.


    But, I still need more distraction from this waiting game... any netflix shows to get into? 


    My husband and I have been binging on American Horror Story ... it's more my flavor than his but the writing in the first season is good enough that he's gotten sucked in. :)

  11. Wondering if most people are posting their acceptance/rejections both on this forum and to the results page. If that is the case, I will stop freaking out every time I see an acceptance to one of my schools on either. I have this fear that all of the acceptance spots and slipping away!


    I've been doing that because I think there are a lot of people who only review the results page, and don't participate here.

  12. OMG!! YAY!!! That is so wonderful. I bet that you guys are just happy and excited. This is going to be a good night for you two!  :rolleyes:

    #dancethenightaway #timetogetoutofCA!


    So happy! I honestly feel like a weight has been lifted, especially after our experience last year! 


    It was a great night. We had tacos to celebrate. :D

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