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explodingstressball got a reaction from mandarin.orange in Feeling like a bad TA
I have found when working with students that it is often very helpful to explain your goals in terms of people trying things first. In other words, I have found it to be a worthwhile experience to stay clearly something along the lines of: "I am here to help you, and I am delighted to help. However, part of this experience is for you to learn and occasionally make mistakes along the way. So while I will help you with any and every question you have, I hope that you will give yourselves the opportunity to experiment first!"
I think it helps set up the notion that there is no expectation of instant perfection on the student's part. It also helps them to understand why you might not leap up at the first sign of trouble. That being said, I've never taught nor been in a university-level class with a lab component, but I do find the idea of the TA sitting in front of the class doing their work a little boorish. In a lecture class, I would find it inappropriate for a TA to be sitting in the front with a pile of books writing a paper
explodingstressball got a reaction from equinox in Grad School Horror Story?
Does your university have an ombudsman? There should be a neutral third party representative that can mediate this situation at most universities.
explodingstressball got a reaction from Saik in Dream School, No Funding ... Where to look for fellowships?
No, probably not I suppose the other option is to tutor French. A LOT of it.
explodingstressball got a reaction from gjason in Political Science - Fall 2011 Cycle
I think they should require people to be check for aneurysms before applying to any of these programs.
explodingstressball got a reaction from CAS166 in Political Science - Fall 2011 Cycle
My one consolation in life is that my school sent out transcripts for free.
explodingstressball got a reaction from neuropsychosocial in Grad School Horror Story?
Does your university have an ombudsman? There should be a neutral third party representative that can mediate this situation at most universities.
explodingstressball got a reaction from kaykaykay in Political Science - Fall 2011 Cycle
That group looks great! I'm going to have to try and sneak into some of their meetings!
explodingstressball got a reaction from JanuaryHymn in Political Science - Fall 2011 Cycle
In another nerve-wracking step, I just submitted two papers of mine for publication in journals. We'll see how that goes!
explodingstressball got a reaction from Count de Monet in Political Science - Fall 2011 Cycle
In another nerve-wracking step, I just submitted two papers of mine for publication in journals. We'll see how that goes!
explodingstressball got a reaction from repatriate in Why Mostly PhDs and Not JDs in University Political Science Faculties?
Stop me if I'm repeating something someone else has said already, but:
I think the concept of research is a bit of a non-starter. While legal and political science research is, by its very definition, quite distinct, I do not think that is the main reason JDs are not often on the faculty. I believe the issue is one of base knowledge: I have a number of friends who are currently in law school who have never taken a political science course in their life. Does their possession of a JD qualify them to work in a field in which they have no experience? No. Just as much as having a PhD in political science does not qualify me to teach law.
Just my 2ยข worth.