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A Finicky Bean

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Posts posted by A Finicky Bean

  1. What is all this wait listed stuff and so few acceptances at IUB?? 


    And whyyyyy do I not hear anything from anyone! ;)  Yes, I am being dramatic. But, still would like to know one way or the other.


    Story: just had a cell call from a number I didn't recognize. Picked up and the call was lost (I have bad cell connection right now). So I looked up the area code online and it was a Pittsburgh number. I nearly fell off my chair in worry. Called back and the number was "disconnected". 


    Further search online determined that it was a scam call. Really?! From Pittsburgh?! Do the scammers WANT me to hunt them down?  :angry:  :wacko:  :blink:  :o

  2. How many more schools are you waiting on?

    Like ten more. But I'm depressed at this point and ultimately defeated. Nothing in my inbox and all apps but three rejections, officially.

  3. I got it too.  Sad, but predictable.



    Well, this doesn't bode well for me.  Thanks for sharing.  Looks like I will likely be headed to Madison.  


    Well...at least you have an acceptance! :) Unlike me...two official rejections and nothin' else (read: rejections just haven't come in yet)

  4. Really agree with this. I feel sad that I was stupid enough to apply to several schools where I was not a great fit and had little chance including COlumbia.


    I would advise people to careful about the idea called "reach schools" If you have no chance or are a bad fit I would say (on my experience) forget about it. Just apply where you can get in. REally to spend 100$ for them to skim your file and toss it in the garbage can...you should think more about that.


    "Just apply where you can get in." Could you tell me the schools I can get in? I think it might be a bit harder than this.

  5. anyone hear anything back from Stanford's History department yet? Interviews? etc?? I think (if they follow past years) they will call/email admits this thursday


    I haven't heard anything from Stanford yet. 


    Has anyone heard any more about the Georgetown admits/rejects? Anyone?

  6. haha did you contact them? Looking forward to hearing from them by the end of the month then!


    I did. I figured they could reject me on the spot if they wanted, or wait. I hope to get in, but I have a lot of other things on my plate now so I just want to know. :P Congrats on UW:M- I haven't heard and thus assume rejection there.

  7. IUB people, news directly from the History department: "We will be contacting applicants on a rolling basis for the next two weeks, I believe, and the vast, vast majority of people should hear from us by the end of the third week this month."

  8. Ugh, now I wish I wouldn't have looked on here...I wish I hadn't seen that IUB acceptance....now I will be super nervous for a while because if they are inviting people to visit that means they are inviting a batch of acceptances.


    I'm trying to distract myself by working on an academic website I manage...wish is failing because it is all about what I want to study...at IUB or Pitt or IUUC...or...orrr.......empty mail box.  :blink:

  9. Seriously... If one rejection from one school is causing you this much distress, perhaps academia is not the place for you.

    You may want to curb the anger in your emails to Berkeley; you will certainly not be taken seriously with such venom. I hope your emails are professionally written.

    Yes, it sucks. Yes, a lot of us have grown to accept it. But, that's Capitalism for you and this process is no different.


    Also, please do not tell me what I can or can not do in terms of responding to your post; you put up a very strong post and you should expect a variety of responses.


    Unless you are trolling...if you are, then forget everything I said.

  10. I am under the impression that Madison does the inhumane, ruthless impersonal "check the website" thing...but I could be wrong. But I think they meant they will finally reach a consensus by the end of this week?


    On the same note, UW Madison's History of Science just submitted its first batch of fellowship nomination. 


    According to years back search on the board, they send snail mail and some emails. But I guess we'll just wait and see.

  11. So if I haven't heard anything from GW, OSU and Northwestern, what should I think? I figure this stands that I have been rejected? The sites all say that my app is either "pending" or "in review". Advice?

  12. By this coming up weekend? Will they send out notifications during the weekend?


    Interesting because they usually send things out snail mail, so I am assuming silentbirds means notices will be mailed by this weekend?

  13. The DC Metro is just an endless, horrible nightmare in general. I moved back there from NYC for a brief stint a few years ago and had forgotten how much I hated it.


    Why so much hate? I lived there for 4 years and loved the Metro. I also had a car and knew that experience, as well. 

  14. I second living in VA (Alexandria, etc). I lived there for my last two years of undergrad and commuted into the city and it was no big deal. I felt very connected (public trans is awesome in the DC area).

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