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Posts posted by disgruntledinfantryofficer

  1. Hi CurrentFSO,


    1) Could you tell us what track you are currently on, and why you elected said track?


    2) What is the most beneficial skill set you derived from your MPP? Do FSOs with MPPs from "top programs" have any measurable advantage that you have seen?


    3) How is not having an MPP as a FSO a limiting factor in career progression and daily work potential?



  2. Hi group,


    I am matriculating into a Top-10 MBA program (Duke, Columbia, Dartmouth) this fall and I have interest in also obtaining an MPP at some point. I did not apply to any MPP programs commencing this fall (I applied to only 1 MBA program as it is), however I am interested in applying during my 2Y. 


    Has anyone done this before? Would I still be required to take the GRE? Would I be able to complete an abridged curriculum similar to the dual-degree students?


    I know these are questions that will vary from institution to institution, but I wanted to see if anyone here had first-hand experience prior to asking the programs directly.


    In addition to the usual suspects (HKS/WWS(MPA)), I am also interested in Cambridge and Oxford's one-year MPP. Does anyone have experience with either of these? 


    Thanks in advance! 



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