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Kelly Anna Yllek

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  1. Upvote
    Kelly Anna Yllek reacted in When did you realize your topic wasn't original?   
    When I stole it. 
  2. Upvote
    Kelly Anna Yllek reacted to victorydance in Master's Thesis defense status: fail   
    No offence, but handing in a thesis with crooked text does sound like a "I don't give a shit." Like seriously? How hard is that to fix?
  3. Upvote
    Kelly Anna Yllek reacted to DidacticPrinter in MFA 2014 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    LOL. What a cruel, harsh reality to wake up to! Soon. Very soon we will hear back AND spring will start! It's all just one giant test of endurance.
  4. Upvote
    Kelly Anna Yllek reacted to serotoninronin in Favorite Rejection Quotes from the Results Page   
    "Looks like I'm going to have to do another masters. Cos I sure as hell aint getting a job."
  5. Upvote
    Kelly Anna Yllek reacted to ihatechoosingusernames in Favorite Rejection Quotes from the Results Page   
    Colorado State: "Apparently you don't even have to apply in order to be rejected from certain schools. What a cluster F it must be over there that they're emailing people who have simply requested information that they're 'rejected'."
  6. Upvote
    Kelly Anna Yllek reacted to NoChance in Favorite Rejection Quotes from the Results Page   
    While I'm not one to enjoy the misery of others, sometimes people do such a good job of combining heartbreak, disdain, and criticism, they create an epic rejection result post. Here's my personal favorite, someone rejected from Stanford GSE:
    That pretty much sums up how I'd feel too. When I'm obsessively checking the results page, I often see this post and it makes me chuckle. It passes the time, and at least their loss will not have been in vain. 
  7. Upvote
    Kelly Anna Yllek reacted to ismewilde in MFA 2014 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Damn! I didn't know Hogwarts was accepting applications for graduate students. Oh well, maybe next year
  8. Upvote
    Kelly Anna Yllek reacted to Czarina in MFA 2014 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    is anyone else experiencing a near heart-attack whenever a (1) appears in their gmail tab?
  9. Downvote
    Kelly Anna Yllek reacted to Curious12345 in People must not know about the UCSB Art program   
    I came here (as a nameless current grad in the MFA Art program at UCSB) to ask why YOU didn't apply, do YOU even know that we have a program with crazy good facilities, great faculty, and an INSANE location with a pretty close proximity to LA?

    I know the deadline has passed for this year for us, so this may not be of use for a lot of you looking at programs. But the thing that gets me is that we had all of one person come to visit the program before applying and to be completely honest, our applications were pretty dismal this year (minus a few in my opinion).

    I decided to come here because I was getting crazy good funding, a huge studio, great faculty, and the program matched my needs as far as freedom was concerned.

    Its an open question to all, I'm not asking you to go to our website and criticize what you see. I'm asking if anyone recommended it to you, or if you ever saw "recruiters" at portfolio days, or anything at all. I'll be honest, I didn't at all, and I actually visited on a whim when I was accepted last year. What I saw blew my mind because I couldn't believe that no one had told me about this place..
  10. Upvote
    Kelly Anna Yllek reacted to stofo in University of Washington MFA Info?   
    Michael Darling, who was a curator at Seattle Art Museum and now a curator at Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago..."UW MFA program is the #! thing holding back the Seattle art scene".

    What's wrong with art in Seattle? Our art schools, according to SAM's outgoing contemporary curator. by Jen Graves - Features - The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper

  11. Upvote
    Kelly Anna Yllek reacted to mlk in MFA 2014 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    While we are waiting - here's something to think about:
  12. Upvote
    Kelly Anna Yllek reacted to tabbykiki in MFA 2014 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    LOL. I ended applying to several programs in VA... Guess anything is better than Michigan in my eyes
  13. Upvote
    Kelly Anna Yllek reacted to ProfMoriarty in Sh*t people say when you are applying to grad school   
    "You worry too much about this. Just go to the university of life!!"
    Wonderful life experiences are rewarding, no doubt, but my life choice is to go to grad school, not spend all my parents' money traveling the world.
  14. Upvote
    Kelly Anna Yllek reacted to LittleDarlings in Finding a husband in graduate school.   
    Lol I know but I mean I didn't meet anyone in undergrad.  
    I can get a graduate degree and a hubby.  I feel like school is a great way to meet a potential husband 
  15. Upvote
    Kelly Anna Yllek reacted to LittleDarlings in Finding a husband in graduate school.   
    Thank you. I'm sorry if I seem oblivious or difficult, I just really really want a relationship.
  16. Upvote
    Kelly Anna Yllek reacted to LittleDarlings in Finding a husband in graduate school.   
    I definitely have thought about what happens if I don't meet someone in grad school.. But I still want to go. I would be really devastated not meeting someone though. I mean I feel like past college there is no way to meet guys or people in general... You can at work but dating at work is frowned on. I figure going out of state and moving into an apartment with a roommate hopefully they will be cool and I can use them as a tool meet guys also.

    In the end I know I want to go into social work, I know what field and everything but I feel like finding a serious relationship while there wouldn't hurt. I'm 22 almost 23 and not getting any younger. I was in the MSW forum and there are women in there who are my age and married or engaged and their fiancé pays for their school. At this point I need to have a serious relationship. 22 and never having a serious relationship is weird and bad. So in a way I do think I am going to school for that. I went to college for that, I still did great... I didn't find a husband or bf but I got a degree. It seems weird and dumb but I just know I want to get married and have a family and social work isn't a field that is constantly 24 hour work like a doctor or lawyer. Don't get me wrong I know it is a lot of work but it isn't like law or being a doctor, you can have a family and do it. My therapist is an LISW and had her kid at 17 and got married at 20 hs another at 22 and finished her Masters when her kid was like 5. So if isn't impossible. I can't explain it, I don't think not finding someone will affect me so badly that my grades would slip or anything. I would be bummed but I can maintain my school work.
  17. Upvote
    Kelly Anna Yllek reacted to LittleDarlings in Finding a husband in graduate school.   
    So I have to admit that as excited as I am to be applying to graduate school for social work a lot of my focus is on the idea of finding a serious relationship while in school.  I am 22 and looking to start my MSW program in the Fall 14, I graduated from college and thought that I would meet someone then, I didn't.  Now I am 22 and single and haven't really had a serious relationship, while all my friends are getting engaged and having kids, I just want that.  I want my graduate degree too for sure but I want a relationship.  Here is the thing, I am only applying to programs far from home (University of Kentucky, OSU, and University of Pitt) which will put me in a new place and force me to get to know people and make friends. I am afraid, what if I don't make friends or meet someone.  A friend of mine went to Western Kentucky and said he met his gf when she was getting her Masters in Clinical Psych and he was in Engineering. I am just freaking out on so many levels, on top of all that I have a disability and that kind of makes dating much harder because I don't fully feel confident.  Any personal experiences? How can I leave grad school with not only a Masters but a MRS. Degree too?  
  18. Upvote
    Kelly Anna Yllek reacted to pulpandink in MFA 2014 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    I received an acceptance letter from UW-Madison (Printmaking) this morning!  They notified me via email-- funding application is separate and due March 1st.  I'm floored I heard so early!  Sending good thoughts to everyone playing the waiting game.
  19. Upvote
    Kelly Anna Yllek reacted to kafralal in MFA 2014 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    I think that some people viewing work are just not that interested in reading, even if they are going to interview you. Some people are readers and others are not...regardless of whether you (we) think they should be. They also have to wade through a lot of bad artist writing...if they've been doing it for years, they develop strategies which can include ignoring as much of the writing as possible. That's one reason why the presentation of the portfolio is so important.
  20. Upvote
    Kelly Anna Yllek reacted to DiamondWheelchair in GRE: Any way to dodge this elaborate, money-making scam?   
    I personally think the GRE is a giant scam. How do I come to this conclusion? This is the question I ask, "Does the GRE do its job?" Does it give an accurate reflection of the test takers skills (reading comp, Quant, whatever!), and their ability to use those skills, as well as predict the likelihood of the test takers success in a graduate level program. The GRE fails in all these categorizes. I don't want to put a three page long post will all my examples and explanations so I'll stick with just one example. When I was in the 3rd grad I had a the reading comp. of a 10th grader and that gap between my real life grade level and my reading comp. has remained steady throughout my life. So, one would expect that someone like me would blow the verbal section of the GRE out of the water. I did not. I did alright, much better then I did on the math section, but no where near what I was capable of in the real world. 
    As for getting around the GRE, there really is no way. As another poster put it, it's just one of those things in life that you have to deal with. Since my score was not great I spent a lot of time getting real world experience to put on my resume and got four references instead of just three. This will help balance my score.
    Good luck!
  21. Upvote
    Kelly Anna Yllek reacted to eriatarka in If you basically winged it (gre prep), how did you do?   
    True, that is a good attitude! It's just disconcerting to not do as well as you'd hoped. And GradCafe doesn't help matters, lol.
  22. Upvote
    Kelly Anna Yllek reacted to Loric in How many schools should one apply to?   
    As many as you feel you'd actually be happy attending.
  23. Upvote
    Kelly Anna Yllek reacted to Loric in MFA 2014 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    I did some poking around to see how slideroom "works" when viewed by the staff.
    It's a little troubling. Long story short, those little essays they let you write about each slide can be "optionally" viewed.. meaning often they're going purely off the image and have no context. For some things.. fine, i get that. For others...? WHAT?!?!
    If you're going to accept things other than basic 2D media you should really tell your staff to read the supplemental information for each slide.
  24. Upvote
    Kelly Anna Yllek got a reaction from bandito in MFA 2014 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Was so exhausted having to talk for my phone interview, I felt it went poorly but I know that is just because of sickness. After the initial chitchat, I had visited in the fall so I was remembered (!), I was asked how my process from concept to final product happens. My work as a final piece is a textile even though I am a photographer, so why I do that at all was asked next. Its a bit of a blur now, a few hours passed, I was asked how would I place myself categorically in the contemporary art world and what my influences are. The latter sounded more like asking me if I knew my art history, which parts of my SOP had already wrote out so it was kinda simple rehashing of it. 
  25. Upvote
    Kelly Anna Yllek reacted to kafralal in MFA 2014 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    well...good luck Kelly!...and let us know how it goes.
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