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Posts posted by dmh26

  1. Dear All,

    There is hope if you are an alternate! I found out today that I got a Boren to Ukraine next year! I totally ruled it out and made other plans, but they are contacting alternates!

  2. Dear alternates,

    It seems as though selection of alternates is region specific. I applied for a fellowship for Ukraine, and was told that if someone from Russia or Ukraine declines, than they will try to offer that position to some other candidate in that region.

  3. Hey all,

    I am also an alternate for the Fellowship, and emailed them asking if it was country specific or not. However, last week my friend was an alternate for a Fulbright and this week he got it! It's not a Boren, but it just shows you that you can be pleasantly surprised if you do end up getting it! As for me, I will be pleasantly surprised if I do get it, but am moving on to plan b in case I don't! Good luck to you all!

  4. Working at my internship, exercising to be new and improved for grad school..lol, catching up on some reading for fun and not for class, and trying to improve my russian by readings lots of russian crap..lol

  5. soybean said:
    Hi, I'm going to be a grad student at Pitt this summer. How's the climate there? I hear it's very depressing during the winter. Lots of snow and rain. Some people said that it's hard not to see a cloudy sky even in the spring and fall. Since I'm a type of person whose mood gets affected by the weather a lot, I am wondering if I can survive there without going insane for six years or so... Also, does anyone know how the climate in pittsburgh is compared to the one in Columbus, Ohio? I've lived in Columbus for a year almost 10 years ago and I thought the climate there was pretty good for me. ?

    I don't know how Columbus is, but Pittsburgh's climate can vary. In the winter, there is a lot of snow and ice and it can be very overcast. However, some days it will be bitter cold and bright and sunny. The spring tends to have very nice sunny days, btu when it does rain..it will rain all day! In summer we get a lot of sun, humidity, and severe thunderstorms. In the fall we tend to get a lot of rain and then snow. I have to admit that when it rains all day, people around campus seem to move slower and just generally feel more tired. My advice, find a hobby or something you like to do to pass the time during the rainy days.

  6. I agree with Missy about the administrative side, but just to add some more info about why I decided OSU was bad (besides, the admin issue) During this whole process I talked to many different people at five different schools, and almost all of them advised me againt going to OSU. I study Russian history, and OSU completely let the Russian Review move to Kansas because they didn't want it anymore. Everyone was shocked about this, since the Review is the number one journal for Russian!

    Also, two people I met left OSU to pursue jobs elsewhere because they said that the department treats their grad students like crap!

    So for all of those who didn't get in, I congratulate you! I think it may be for the best :)

  7. On the other hand, I was surprised what someone said about the bus in Pgh. I feel that the public bus service is excellent, it's one of the best in the country from my understanding.

    If you live in or around Oakland, or in the east hills...yes. If you live in the South Hills or in South Pgh..not so much. When I lived in Southside, the buses were great. I moved 10 minutes up the hill...and it takes me an hour and 15 minutes to get to Oakland by bus (because I have to walk 6 blocks to a stop up the hill, catch a bus to Southside, and transfer to another bus.....by car its 15 minutes...lol. Since I live on a giant hill....the buses may or may not come when there is snow. It's hit or miss.

    So I would have to say that PAT uses are good depending on your location!

  8. Ok..The financial aid department sucks! They lost my undergraduate scholarship notification every semester, and charged me a $50 late fee each time. I would call and yell, and they wouldn't do anything! Then...my mom called and yelled, and they did something!

    You have to be persistent and sorta mean to get shit done! Not to mention, that the Pitt Pay system sucks, and they don't take VISA. I really didn't get any help from them when trying to find scholarships, I did it on my own. If you find a faculty mentor, they will often help you find money.

    My friend is in GSPIA and she got a full tuition ride, but no stipend..but she did find work within GSPIA, but its been hard for her to balance work and school. Plus, she is expected to do an internship in DC in the summer (unpaid) and she stated that Pitt has done nothing to help her find a way to live.

    I don't know if this helps you, but just remember..you will have to do most of the legwork!

  9. So, I was told I was ranked 21 on their admit list, and originally I was borderline because they weren't sure if they were going to take 20, 21, or 22 students. I called again, and was told to pursue other offers, then I get an email saying I am an alternate for a FLAS. I call the department back and the lady tells me that I was probably accepted to another program, but not in History. I DIDN'T apply to another program! So I said, why would I be waitlisted for a fellowship if you are telling me I didn't get in? The whole situation is ridiculous. And I have to ask all of you that are waiting..is it worth going to a school that can't get their shit together at the admissions level? I got the same fellowship I am waitlisted for at Ohio at another school..so I am going to Kansas!

  10. The only thing that concerns me is that I will be pursuing a degree in International Development and I wonder about Pittburgh's location. It seems to me that I may be better served completing a degree of this nature at a school in DC or New York.

    Don't forget that pittsburgh was a huge steel stown; therefore, we have lots of ethnic influences. Each city region shows remnanats of different cultures. In many regions, these ethnic influences are still very prevalent. You'll find local music, food, and events that reflect traditional Russian, Irish, East European, Greek, Lebanese, Indian things.

    You'll find that Pitt is a wonderful school for international development. Although you may complete an internship outside of the city during the summer, the resources on campus are great. I earned certificates in Russian Studies and Global Studies as a undergrad, and have several friends in GSPIA. The research library is large and Pitt gets lots of federal funding. I got my whole trip to Russia paid in full with university scholarships and federal grants administered by the university.

  11. Bloomfield is much much safer than Lawrenceville. Although Lawrenceville has a distinct art sector, most of the area is not the greatest. There are lots of drug dealers that live in and around Butler Street, not to mention you will see prostitutes. Once again, it all depends on the area in Lawrenceville. You may want to plan a visit before you sign a lease and scope out the area, talk to neighbors, etc. Get a feel for the streets immediate around your house.

    Nightlife in Pittsburgh focuses mostly on bars....and bars in the Southside area tend to be popular. You may look into Southside for a place to live also. It's very eclectic. A blend of young professionals, old steel workers, old religious ladies, and artists. It's generally very safe, but because of its proximity to downtown and increased popularity, rents have skyrocketed. You could bike to Oakland, but it will take a lot longer than if you lived in Bloomfield and Lawrenceville. Just a tip though, biking in Pittsburgh can be difficult...some areas are super flat, others are on large hills...and I do mean large hills! lol

    Other areas of nightlife, the Waterfront (a suburb of Pittsburgh) has restuarants, a movie theater, and shopping. Shadyside and Squirrel Hill have some smaller bars and theaters. You should try to bring a car with you because the bus system can be a pain.

    As far as the weather, it's not so bad, but the city does a horrible job with snow and ice removal, especially if you live on a side street!

    Fifth Avenue is a good location, a lot of kids from CMU and Chatham College live there. It's generally a very nice area, lots of old mansions turned apartment buildings and some schools. Like you said, just be cautious and careful at night. My friend was just robbed on fifth, in shadyside...which is highly unusual for that area. It can happen to anyone, just be cautious!

  12. Neville Street Isnt' bad...not too far from campus...a bit of a walk, but you can catch a bus. However, the closer you get to Center avenue the worse the area gets. center avenue and in north oakland is not the best place to live.

  13. Hey there,

    Where in Lawrence would you suggest grad students live? Any good streets and neigborhoods.

    I will be spending most of my time in the History Department, and I am not sure how large the campus is and wanted an apartment on a bus line or with parking?

    Any suggestions would be a great help :)

  14. Some books I came across:

    How to Get a PhD by Estelle Phillips

    What the Best College Teachers Do by Ken Bain (for all future TAs..lol)

    And for all you future academics from traditional working class families:

    This Fine Place So Far from Home: Voices of Academics from the Working Class by C. L. Barney Dews and Carolyn Leste Law.

  15. For those interested: at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the doctoral program in history received 202 applicants. It accepted 40 with a 20% acceptance rate.

    Just to add to this, especially those who applied for Russian history, the professors in the field are shifting their research interests and apparently accepted only those studying material culture in everyday life.

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