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lady rainicorn

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  1. Upvote
    lady rainicorn got a reaction from Shari A Williams in MBTI types? Personality test   
  2. Upvote
    lady rainicorn got a reaction from leafygreens in MBTI types? Personality test   
  3. Upvote
    lady rainicorn reacted in Finding a husband in graduate school.   
    I think you're overblowing the whole "egg quality" thing. In my opinion children are shaped more by their upbringing than their mother's egg quality. You're willing to risk jumping into a marriage in order to have kids before your eggs go bad? Even if it means jumping into a bad marriage and having your kid grow up in a broken home?
  4. Downvote
    lady rainicorn reacted to LittleDarlings in Finding a husband in graduate school.   
    Really? Ok but you're a guy (I assume, from the username) so you have forever and a day to meet someone and have kids and stuff. You have no limit on your time to reproduce or anything whereas I'm 23 almost, I have about 2 more years to meet a suitable person date them for a year and a half and get engaged, married and have my first baby. Assuming I meet the person tomorrow that still puts me at about 27 or 28 for a baby, assuming I want more than 1 kid I have about 5 years for 2 more. That is if I meet someone tomorrow which is pretty unlikely. So if I wait don't meet someone until 25 I will be 30 having my first kid my egg quality will have gone down and that's bad. I have a lot to think about! If it were up to me I would have been in a serious relationship at 21 engaged by 23 and married at 24 then I would be in grad school, married and hopefully pregnant or trying to get pregnant. I just feel like I will have so much stress off of me when I get into a good lasting relationship.
  5. Upvote
    lady rainicorn reacted to hdsl in MFA 2013 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    I received a call from Hunter today. I've been taken off the waitlist and accepted for Spring 2014!
    Definitely going!
  6. Upvote
    lady rainicorn reacted to stan in Rutgers MFA 2013   
    hey miyamoto81,
    the information you gave to all of us about rutgers where really great and helpful. thanks again for this.
    i decided to attend the mfa program at rugers and i am totally excited about that. so i am hoping to meet some of my
    classmates here.
  7. Upvote
    lady rainicorn reacted to heyhey in MFA 2013 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Hi everyone, congratulations to those who got into schools this go round and best of luck to those preparing portfolios for next year. Here's a link to a great free video series for those who need to freshen up or prepare for the rigorous literary aspects of an MFA program. Several grad students who I know have mentioned how the theory aspect of their education was the most difficult initially, so this is a great way for us all to get a head start! Again, congratulations and best of luck to everyone!  
  8. Upvote
    lady rainicorn reacted to jaybird in MFA 2013 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Just got a call from Hunter! Bumped off the waitlist and accepted for the Fall!
  9. Upvote
    lady rainicorn reacted to frez83 in Skowhegan Decisions   
    A handy tip for everyone who is currently in grad school, or will be... Many programs have matching grants for skowhegan. Meaning, your school may cover your cost to attend.

    Capers, if you have decided where your going to go I'd contact that school about this ASAP. one of the people in my program did Skowhegan the summer before he started grad school and NYU paid for it.
  10. Upvote
    lady rainicorn reacted to capers in Skowhegan Decisions   
    just received the email - i'm going to camp!
    has anyone heard back from any other residency programs like the Vermont Studio Center?  I heard it's really beautiful during the summer!
  11. Upvote
    lady rainicorn reacted to milllla in Skowhegan Decisions   
    !but i desire summercamp so badly!
  12. Upvote
    lady rainicorn reacted to frez83 in Skowhegan Decisions   
    Sondra's killing it in 2013! Congratulations!
  13. Upvote
    lady rainicorn reacted to Erpnope in MFA 2013 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Hmm. Define 'doing nothing special' like - working on art for themselves, occasionally showing, and holding down a whatever job, or just not making art anymore? I'm curious about this. Not in a snippy way.. genuinely curious!
  14. Upvote
    lady rainicorn reacted to jeano0o in MFA 2013 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Ahh, word. I'm 23, and am a little offended by the first post-I understand your point to a certain degree, but mostly it seems like agism, and if I'm being honest that kind of close-mindedness isn't going to translate well as far as learning goes no matter what the school. 
  15. Upvote
    lady rainicorn reacted to Erpnope in MFA 2013 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Yale acceptance. Oh my god.
  16. Upvote
    lady rainicorn got a reaction from Emoree in MFA 2013 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Hey Katelogue, I interviewed for printmaking that day, and got the call from Tomas the next day. I would call if you haven't heard back yet. Good luck!!!!
    Eudorauser, I would apply, and not worry too much about age. The average age of students (or was it applicants? can't remember) for Columbia is around 28 I believe, so if there are any 23-year olds, there won't be too many. I'm almost 30. I'll be attending in the fall, and so far, all of the prospective students that I've met have been really amazing people, with a wide breadth of experiences behind them.
  17. Upvote
    lady rainicorn got a reaction from smartstrategy in MFA 2013 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Hey Katelogue, I interviewed for printmaking that day, and got the call from Tomas the next day. I would call if you haven't heard back yet. Good luck!!!!
    Eudorauser, I would apply, and not worry too much about age. The average age of students (or was it applicants? can't remember) for Columbia is around 28 I believe, so if there are any 23-year olds, there won't be too many. I'm almost 30. I'll be attending in the fall, and so far, all of the prospective students that I've met have been really amazing people, with a wide breadth of experiences behind them.
  18. Upvote
    lady rainicorn reacted to e.lewin in MFA 2013 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Hunter notified me!
  19. Upvote
    lady rainicorn reacted to capers in MFA 2013 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Just received an email from Hunter, I'm in!
    Wooot and good luck everyone!
  20. Upvote
    lady rainicorn reacted to e.lewin in MFA 2013 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Well, I was accepted for Spring 2014... Not sure if that changes things... What I mean is-- I don't know if they notify differently for the Fall since it is sooner. I was reading that they call (I was terrified when I got an email) but they didn't.

    I hope that made sense. I am just spitballing... But I wouldn't lose heart yet.
  21. Upvote
    lady rainicorn reacted to ArsenicYellow in MFA 2013 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Hah, well I just put a 3k down payment on an apartment in boston thats only a 15 minute walk from Massart and SMFA so I had already made my decision I was just freaking out over nothing. I've not heard the best things about amherst's program, so I have no idea why I was so down about Massart today. They have amazing facilities, offer TA and SA positions, and have gallery work experience opportunities. 
    Really one finds a way to be as negative as possible. You'd think I'd be grateful with so many acceptances, but then you just make yourself depressed, wondering if you're making the right decision. Yeah, I'll probably come out of grad school with a 20-40k debt, but it could always be way more than that. The Amherst would be free, but it's literally in the middle of no where, I'd have to commute at least an hour-two hours a day and my boyfriend would probably hate where we'd live, and he a few states over 9 months ago to live with me and is actually excited about our move to boston. On top of that, the only things that attracted me to Amherst over Massart were the total freedom given in the TA positions and the 3 years degree rather than two. The free ride isnt bad, but I havent gotten the best impression of umass amherst after speaking with their professor today, as well as a few posters here mentioning they were unimpressed when they had a tour of the place. Going to see if I can schedule a tour, but still, my number one place is Massart.
  22. Upvote
    lady rainicorn got a reaction from miyamoto81 in Negotiating with Schools for Additional Funding   
    I don't know if this experience is helpful to anyone, but I managed to negotiate, however, through the head of the department I was applying through. I think if you have your heart set on a school, but don't get the best package from them, and you get better offers elsewhere, just let your top choice know that you really want to attend but that you do have other offers that are forcing you to really consider your other choices. And they should understand, the amount of student debt that's out there is a very serious matter. Also, if you can get a faculty member to fight for you, that's also really helpful, since everyone wants more money.
    Just curious ArsenicYellow, which Boston school are you deciding on? I did my undergrad at BU, and took classes at Mass Art over the years. I have a lot of love for Boston! Best of luck!
  23. Upvote
    lady rainicorn got a reaction from capers in 2013 Applicants: Post Your Work   
    Yeah, same with Columbia. They didn't have much regarding facilities for people working in metals or glass. And I believe they mentioned phasing out litho.

    However they did sell their program based on faculty contact, if anything it sounds intense! You meet with a faculty member one on one every week, seeing each faculty member twice per semester. And the visual arts program brings in scholars from outside departments to lecture for their critical issues classes. Students control and run the visiting artists lectures. And each student is assigned 2 mentors/semester, where each mentor has 1 full week with their assigned students. (dana schutz was on that mentor list) What the mentors do with their students runs the gamut, from taking trips, to visiting studios, to gallery hopping. However, Columbia is not a cheap school, but you can see what that tuition money is paying for!
  24. Upvote
    lady rainicorn reacted to 310LA in MFA 2013 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Sorry to hear that. I had the same situation last year. All 5 schools I applied to I was rejected. It definitely hurt, but nothing could ever come between me and my artistic convictions and getting into grad school. This last year really made me up my game and really prove myself, not just as an artist, but as a person. It was definitely needed. Most my mentors applied 2, even three time to get in and now I'm amazed by what they are doing. Learn from this and make next year even better and apply to the same schools, it shows them how much you really want it. This year, one year later: one acceptance, one rejection, and two interviews. Best of luck and by all means don't give up! Use it as fuel!!
  25. Upvote
    lady rainicorn got a reaction from Ren Adams in MFA 2013 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Despite some recent um, awkward posts on this forum, I just want to say thank you to everyone who has been supportive and helpful on this forum! I don't think I would've survived the application process without it!!!
    Sorry, I am a day late with this post! I've been sick and working. O_O
    Anyhoo, dude, don't worry too much about any of the comments thus far. "Illustration" is a dirty word in the world of fine arts, but it doesn't have to be. The reason for this pejorative use is complex, and so I think a lot of it stems from confusing the "easiness" of the reading of an image with as you said, mistakenly associating graphic/linear (and sometimes humorous) works with that easiness. Personally, I can see your images developing, but they're just not quite there yet, however you ARE definitely on your way. Don't worry about potentially being read as illustrative, and just keep making the work you need to make and pushing yourself and your comfort zone (with both regards to ideas and form). I can see a little bit of Lisa Yuskavage dotted in and around your portfolio, which is interesting. It took me like 5 years of bad drawings to get into school (and your drawings are way ahead of what I was doing a few years ago!). I have also gotten the "illustration" bit, b/c of my love of line-work and use of humor. So don't worry, and just keep making stuff! I was going to remain anonymous, but I have nothing to hide nor regret any of my past posts, so here's my website if you're curious.
    Good luck to you in your future applications, and as the Koreans say, fighting!!!!
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