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Posts posted by crossedfingers

  1. agreed. I did not open one of my letters because it was a thin envelope. I left it for an entire day before getting around to actually opening it. It was an acceptance from a highly reputed program.

    I wonder why they want to trick you so much! I mean isn't the stress that they put us through enough already?!

  2. I'm glad my roomate is applying to grad school this year as well. Sometimes we spend hours talking about what ifs and how it will all work out. Its really great that we have a common ground to pour all our frustrations. It certainly does help. I was completely oblivious to this forum and its people till the start of this year- but I'm glad I found it. There is some soft of comfort u get from reading the posts:)

  3. WTF. Just got an invitation to Case Western's interview weekend, which is NEXT WEEKEND, and I've already bought tickets etc for somewhere else. 1 week notice?

    So where are you gonna go? That really does suck though, cuz ure proly not gonna get refunded for the FL trip. I wonder if you can cancel your tickets and get some amount of money back.

  4. hey xzjohn. Thanks for the post. I did not really know that BME international student acceptance rate was lower than the others. I mean I know its hard-er, your're not only competing against the brightest in the United States, you're up against the best brains in the whole world. But really that low?

    When u said you got into a MS program, were u able to get a teaching assistantship during your first semester? The last thing I want to do, is pay to go to graduate school. Appreciate your comments. thanks for sharing :)

  5. the only email i received from BU was to tell me that the 'adviser' i was interested in, was on a maternity leave. That is pretty much all the email said. I didn't know what to make of it. I mean i had listed 3 other faculty members and i know the men were definitely not on any mat. leave. I wonder if that was a succinct way of saying, ' sorry ure application is now out of the pool'. they supposedly got 400 apps right- so there has got to be some random weeding out process.

  6. has anyone ever looked at Stanford's list of accepted graduate students for 07-08? Don't do it! It can lead to serious inferiority complex! Afterwards, I went and rechecked my Stanford application to come up with reasons why it should not go straight to the trash can!

    Has anyone tried contacting the bioengineering department there? Their website very strictly says they wont entertain calls about the status of your application. I wonder how serious they actually are.

  7. I think I need to ask for forgiveness from God. He won't blame me for my moments of weakness, will He? I certainly hope not.

    I'm confused. I'm not Christian, but are tarot readings and fortune telling considered sins? Hmm... interesting. I always thought I'd get jinxed if i said out loud that I didn't really like either of the two. But if they are sins.. guess there is no jinxing.. ahh

    aka the jobless mind.. :?

  8. I can't imagine ALL duke professors have made calls yet... I think more people would have posted results or at least would have heard SOMETHING if that was true.

    I like that reasoning~ I think I'll hold on too!!!

    I have a question similar to yours 123456789. I am visiting Purdue this weekend and was wondering if it would be ok if you wanted to talk to a couple of other people you are interested in, apart from the person who called u. Would that make him think that you are not really interested in his work and make him move on to a different student? How does it work? I really think I would like to work in a lab verses being a TA. I can't teach for nuts and freshmen classes (?), very likely i'll lose my head.

    How did your other visit weekends go? Were there lots of formal interviews?

    Most importantly what did you wear : :lol: or rather what were the girls wearing :D

  9. hmm.. no committee huh. did not know that. So when u apply, and say ure interested in working for say Dr. Nightingale, is he the only one that sees ure app? Or do all profs doing research in biomechanics dept look at the application of the students interested in biomechanics? I dont think it's really imp now anyway.Seems like they've made their decisions.

  10. listen for the creek of that metal hinge...and listen...and listen...

    lol! metal hinge? really? I live in an apartment complex, so no idea about the creaking mailman hinges, but i do smile at every UPS/Fed Ex guy I see in my neighborhood. Just to ( you know), spread the warmth, a little good karma maybe!!!

    desperate. I know.

    i started checking apartment listings on apartments.com/craigslist to most of the schools I applied :)

    lol.. sad life

  11. has anyone else heard from Duke BME? I thought I would have heard something by now...

    nope. and I'm tired of waiting. They have already made their first round of calls. My guess is they might * fiercely crossed fingers* do a second round of calls later. wishful thinkging~~~~ Anyone received a rejection letter from Duke yet?

    I 'm also sick of waiting for stanford! I wish I would know soon. I need to move on with my life! been checking crazy things on craigslist. I did not know how cheap it was to live in IN. And the weather is a tad bit better than MN!

  12. so I called PITT. they told me that this year there were inviting only the top 15 applicants for the recruitment weekend. if you don't receive an email, means you didn't make the 15 list. And apparently I have to look for my own funding (?) (aka) harass some professors! I kinda don't like the idea of not getting to see the campus and having to find my own funding over emails and phone calls.

    The lady ( lynette) sounded kinda pissed. I think she had been answering similar calls all day! It wouldn't hurt them to be less cryptic in their letters.

  13. i got two letters too. i'll call on monday see what they have to say.

    on a different note, I had a question for you 123456789. You said you have done your masters right? Was there a particular reason you chose to only get a MS degree and not go for a full fledged PhD at that time? Now when all the applying bizness is over, I feel like Ive made a huge mistake. I applied to 9 programs. Most of my top choices were MS. My reasoning at that time was based on my friend's experience. She told me it was easier to get into an MS program of your choice (esp for international) students than a PhD. I went with what she said, without realizing that I probably had a stronger profile than her and a better chance of getting into the schools I really wanted to go. Well now with all these MS offers coming in ( with no guaranteed funding) I feel like an idiot! I have always wanted to go the whole nine yards and get that PhD and right now I can't believe i made such a stupid decision, based on someone else's experience. *kicks her self*

    anyhow, i was just wondering why you got your MS first? Was it really easier to get in?

  14. I got a call from UMN too...I got in!

    Cheers to Christina:):) If you were at dublin tonite, I would buy you the drinks :):)

    On a completely unrelated note, I just learned that my first acceptance offer was from a department that mistook my Masters GPA (excellent) for my undergrad GPA (less than stellar). It doesn't sound like they are going to rescind the offer, but I'm a little uneasy about potentially not being the superstar they thought they were getting.

    I still wouldn't be worried. Sometimes people get their undergraduate degrees in a field that they have no interest in. Its really hard to work for something you couldnt care less about. But since you have a masters already ( with a great GPA), I think you've proved your point. Especially if the masters was BME related, you are still the super star~~~~

  15. AMC said:

    If I hear no word by mid-March I may start looking at pigeons in a WHOLE new way......

    LOL!! do we have a contender?!!!! Its strange. Now that you mention pigeon poop, I remember my grandma telling me the same thing. She told me, that pigeon poop falling on you was a sign of good luck. I do not live close to either Korea or China, but the myth holds true in our side of the world as well. She also told me that a crow slightly touching the top of your head was a sign of good luck. I dont know how much of good luck that is, cuz the crow never meant to slightly touch, infact he right out kicked me on my head!

    but I would have liked to see the feeding the bread thing in Koreantown.

  16. B) The visiting weekends aren't until March 28-30 and April 4-6. With weekends that far out, it's fair to say they are probably not done admitting people.

    keep hope alive.

    Good for you 123456789. Yeh probably with the visit weekends out that far, it could be possible that they are still looking over applications. I was just a little surprised that the day after they sent me that email, I see the gradcafe had results of someone's acceptance. Almost felt cheated! I don't really think I will hear back from UMN anyhow. My application was a half arsed attempt, mainly cuz I've been here so long. And as christina said, I don't think my research tied very well with anyone in the department. Oh well.. there is always the patiently waiting till they debate it through part

    I thought you were an international student not from Minnesota ?

    I am an international student, but I did my undergraduate from a school affiliated to UMN, two hours north from the Twin Cities. I've worked on summer internships in the Twin Cities area. I don't know what your other school options are 123456789, but dont rule out MN based on the weather. The city has an awesome life of its own. If your big on the outdoors, there is so much to do, irrespective of the season. I loved the place in the summer. Maybe the reason they have visit weekends that late is so that they do not scare off new people with all the piles of snow! The school facility is pretty neat too. I loved the fact that downtown Minneapolis was just a 10 minute ride away and accessible by bus ( even at 1.00 am???)

  17. ok. Now i'm certain of one thing: they do get back to PhD kids before the MS! I wasn't sure I wanted to spend all 5 yrs in MN, and applied to their MS (thesis) program instead. UMN sent me that stupid notification even when they have already begun accepting students! offended to the core. first because i thought my application fee deserved a truthful response. second: i thought they'd treat a fellow Minnesotan better.

    so scratch the previous post, U minnesota people have begun their calls too.

  18. got another one: Chinese astrology! yup. if any of you belong to the YEAR OF THE RAT: you will know exactly what I am talking about! Apparently it is our year. The chinese calender begins from Feb 7 and it starts off by stating that since 2008 is the year of the rat, people who are rats (!!) will succeed academically. I am not making this up! It seriously says: the hard work and devotion that you put in last year will reap its fruits this year. You will live your passion!!! ( ha.. serioulsy???)

    if you wanna know more, apparently you have to pay. BUt if the rest of the forecasting follows the same tone, boasting of the rat's success, it might be worth a shot!!!

    whatever floats ure boat~~~

    i'm just a broke college kid.

  19. Dont know how strong your research background is, but I know a friend from Russia, who had a 270 in his GRE Verbal and still made it to Cornell.

    His TOEFL sucked as well. But he had a 98 percentile in subject GRE and three publications (? i think).

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