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Posts posted by crossedfingers

  1. try mark knofler (dire straits). guy knows how to work the guitar and lift your spirits.

    or you could try becoming a LOST fan. Their superb preview was what sucked me in and i've been watching episodes from season 1. Makes me feel like I chose the wrong grad program: i suddenly have this desire to become an English/Theatre major and write scripts?!!!! so much for BME.. :(

  2. haha ha.. i just noticed, ure nick is mine reversed!!!

    i wonder the same thing too btw. Most of my applications were MS only too ( dunno why, some one told me it could be easier to get in! dum choice I know!) but i wonder if they inform MS people at the same time? Do they call MS (thesis) for interviews/ visit weekends?

  3. Hey Crossedfingers, Duke's interview are either on 29th Feb or 28th March (you can choose). I am notified and would be going on 29th Feb (could be an advance notice since I am an international candidate). Anyway.. you already have a fully funded position at Purdue don't u?......

    hey good for u miketakena. Keep us posted about how your interview goes.

    I do have a fully funded position at Purdue, but human heart wants just a little bit more:):) plus wouldnt hurt if my options were a little bit more open!

    good luck!

  4. A I'm starting to think Brown is a bunch of disorganized hippies that just sit around and get high while emails and phone calls pile up.

    ha ha !!! true story. I got in Brown UGRA program. hippies took a serious while to get back to me on my admission decision.

  5. I talked to BU people and the lady told me they got over 400 applications for 18 spots. she also said that they meet every friday to talk about applications. the open house is in end of this month and the end of next month. my jhu interview is on the 18th. anyone knows anything about jhu's interview?

    ure kidding.. 400 for 18? wow.. and they wont let us know till end of this month.. maybe next.. :( There really stretching it this time!

    DO you happen to know who gets to know about their admission decision first: Phd's or Masters kids?

    you guys wont believe the cruelest joke that can ever be played on a prospective grad, i think was played on me today! I was sitting in boring process control, when my phone rang. The area code was 919. and i was like. .OH MY GOSSHH that is a freaking DURHAM number!!!!! I squirmed in my seat for the rest of the 23 minutes. dashed outta class only to find out that yes it was durham number, but it also was a freaking wrong number! I mean seriously! WHat are the chances!!!

    gosh i have got to get a life.

  6. what about U PITT? They have recruitment weekend in Mid march, shouldnt acceptances be sent out by now???

    UMN: We are currently reviewing applications at this time and expect to send out official notifications by the end of March or early April. ( THATS FREAKING LATE right?) I think i should quit being a Minnesotan... reach out and see the rest of the US!

  7. To the guy that asked about Purdue I got in and they are having the visit to campus on Feb 15,

    so ure going? will see ya there then mate!

    ps: are u reading up or anything? I really dont know what to prepare for. I mean the itinerary had a bunch of interviews (informal?). dunno...

    wanna check out west Lafayette and see if there is something beyond the corn fields.

  8. Americans have an edge in admission - hands-down.. especially in public schools, and especially public schools in California!

    i agree. not because I am an international student myself. but over this entire process, I have noticed that it is easier to get acceptance if your American. Same goes for the GRE scores. I always wondered why some AMericans I knew, didnt really care much about their GRE. If they crossed the 700 threshold in Quant, they called it good. Verses international applicants, who have to compete against the great minds in china and india, who for some reason refuse to score below 800!

    Plus when they admit an international student, 9 chances out of 10, he wants full funding. Not to say that that Americans are loaded, its just they know that they have an alternative if they dont get that funding ( aka fedral govt!)

  9. I got a 4.5 on AWA, even after having known what was on the test! ha so much for preparation! Two days before the test, I went to the GRE website and was browsing through the 200 something issue topics they had. I decided to randomly pick one topic and write the whole spiel. The essay looked grand on my pc. It took me a total of 50 minutes to come up with what i proclaim a master piece (i'm a freelance writer too btw). That prize worthy essay however did me no good on test day. 8.10 am I got the SAME topic. Awful stroke of luck. Yes awful. Because the entire time, I was trying to conjure whatever I had come up with two days ago. I wasted too much time and wrote a really lousy essay. moral of the story: never practice for the stupid writing section, unless ure a complete doosh!

  10. good for u red dragone~~..

    i didnt know one of my safety schools had already begun sending acceptances. guess i didnt make teh safety cut: shocker~~ didnt wanna live in iowa anyway.

    bme_dude: who did you talk to in UMN? Was this the lady who handles all BME calls? (jennifer?) When i talked to them earlier in Janurary (before the deadline), they told me that my file had been sent to the committe? do they begin looking at files before deadlines? I don't know.. didnt seem to make any difference though, cuz i still havent heard back.

    on a different note, I was wondering if you guys had any input on Open Houses. I mean what do they want in these sessions ( apart from getting u there, letting you see the town, college and your prospective classmates?) I mean the one I have scheduled had a ton of lab tours and one on one interviews with PIs. If i'm already in, does this interview matter? Or should I read up, just in case, its the deciding factor between a TA/RA?

  11. I got a cryptic email from Case Western last week saying that my application was "favorably reviewed" and that information about the Open House would follow. I guess I'm not in, but I've made the first cut?

    Sounds like an invite to me. I received a call where the person said I had been admitted, and an email would follow. The email said, " my application had been favorably reviewed" . I think by wording it in this weird fashion what they mean is: the department has sent ure recommendations to the graduate school. its upto them to send you an admit. Usually they always do. Have you receive information on the Open House yet? That would be a sure give away. Especially if they are paying for your trip there.

    It seems like MIT and UCSD have finally begun their calls. I wish the rest would STEP UP! this whole process is getting really nerve wrecking

    miketakena: did u hear back for an interview from the prof u were talking about?

  12. yeh i know, next week i feel the emails will begin pouring in. Rejections or otherwise. i wish they would do it sooner. I was looking at some old results posted on youster and it seems like BME acceptances are dispersed between end of Janurary to first week of March. Its definetely a long run, wish there was something to do in the waiting process. I cant really concentrate on school work any more, just a little oblivious to undergrad work now!!!

    miketakena, where all did u apply? have u heard back?

  13. did you talk to anyone in BU at all? are you an international student?

    I did. The person there said that they have not yet finished looking at applications and I should probably hear back from the committee in mid Feb. ( i dont know if this means they speeded the process, last yr a friend I know did not hear back till 2nd week March with an admit) I am an international applicant, but got my ChE degree from the US.

    the admit is definitely a relief, although I do hope to hear from other schools. Any luck at ure end?

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