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Posts posted by ankurshah

  1. how should an engineer write is SOP. i have good idea but mine is straight to the point/. Basically it says.. been in r&d cos i like r&d.. there is good progress in work.. am happy with the work i do.. so common sense dictates to step it up by PhD..

    any other engineers from the core/old streams like mech chem Mat.Sci civil???????????????

    it would be great if anyone with admission would wanna post a part of their sop.. can even send me the copy here :P

  2. no... as far as i know.. its an academic H1B for international student... its usually very simplified.. contact a prof and say would like to have a post doc position... the other best option is.. meeet them at conferences and discuss an opportunity. The easiest option... tell ur thesis advior to call up his friend and contact for a position.... visit HERC and search post doc position... tons of them are available....

  3. am looking to apply for PhD material science for fall 13. AM in the initial application process. am trying to figure out the uni i need to apply to in us...

    alll the fellow mat science potential grad students for fall 13 lets gather around here and have some discussion regaridng the whole admission process.. pls provide you details in the following

    UG(feild): Math?Phy?Chem?Chem.engg/Mech and the list goes on

    PG (if attending): mostly MS


    GRE: Q/V/AWA

    # of LOR :3-4?????


    Uni applying :

    here a lil abt me self

    UG: regular indian institute, % system 72% , >3.5 GPA by US standard

    PG : regulal Uni in NYC, GPA 3.52

    GRE Yet to give.. hate it dont like it...

    #LOR : looking for atleast2 from MS uni, one from ma work place and 1 from indian uni

    Paper/patents/Scholarship: 1 patent one puny scholarship

    Uni App: not yet decided but Cornell i will be applying , also looking at EU ( read EPFL and ETH)

    now lets get the post rolling

  4. jeff

    even am looking to apply to PhD prog in UK. but one of the most surprising issues i have come across is the lack of funding in any UK ni.. right from imperial oxbridge to bristol and Manchester... due to the economy.. its going to very very diff to find full funded scholarship... i guess u can get scholarship back in US to study abroad....

    otherwise with good GPA's and cpl of steller reco will get u an admit.. on advice.. make a 1 page research histroy about urself and very PhD pre-app resume.. mail to faculties and see where it takes

  5. Hello everyone

    i am looking to apply for a phd prog in material science and engineering prog for next fall. a lil bit about me

    B.Eng from india chemical engg... decent %, 72/100

    M.Eng from City College NY -CUNY 3.52 gpa

    i have been involved in research for nearly 4 + years now... 1.5 yrs for masters thesis... then followed by nearly 1.5 years in industries

    i decided to take a year long break from everything in lif.. came back home i.e india.. currently working as research assoc at IISc.. this is a big place in india.. best quality research happens here.. u might not know this place but nearly very active prof with r&d focus knows this..

    now.. to the main point.. well am an international student.. i have been to us for 4 yrs.. was in NYC :P.. loved the city.. now will be applying to fall 13... am going to apply to europe , singapore(will get in, as indicated by every faculty i talked to) and cpl in america....

    i would like to discuss the admission process from a prospective phd student.... who has an avg gpa's thorugh out.. good research with only a patent in ma name.. a very small scholarship at CCNY... i would like to discuss wat would be the best way for me to make a great application...

    dream uni... cambridge(no way i can get in there) EPFL nd ETH Zurich both swizz and cornell...

  6. the transition should be.. material science studies will deal a lot wth chemistry... i guess taking few extra engg math courses would ur course.. cos at the end of the day is nothing but applied math... also.. usualy all the school takes in application from phy chem chem.Engg, mech.engg student...

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