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  1. Downvote
    Cookie reacted to LittleDarlings in Baby on the way   
    Haha so funny. Believe me I was having it... A lot (with the guy I was in a relationship with.. I'm not some slut)
  2. Downvote
    Cookie reacted to LittleDarlings in Baby on the way   
    Lol good luck with that. Down votes don't phase me at all. Thanks though
  3. Downvote
    Cookie reacted to LittleDarlings in Baby on the way   
    Slut shaming? Lol omg I cannot win.
    I had to clarify that I'm not going around sleeping with everyone in life because I'm sure the next comment someone would make if I didn't say that would be "oh you're having a lot of sex... Slut" I mean that's the first thing that would pop into someone's mine. Oh well I slut shame lol don't care.
  4. Downvote
    Cookie reacted to LittleDarlings in Baby on the way   
    Is Loric a guy who is cute? Who wants to get married and have kids like now? If so then yes please!
  5. Downvote
    Cookie reacted to LittleDarlings in Baby on the way   
    Haha who cares? Honestly who cares about OP and this ridiculous problem? How is this even a problem?? YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY not online freakingout seriously... If you don't like what I said too bad.
  6. Upvote
    Cookie reacted to YaBoyAR in how admissions evaluate GPA   
    Yeah. Usually schools have a pretty fancy system set up where they use a device specifically tailored to crunch numbers. I believe it's called a 'Calculator.' Although, it's likely only the Ivys have such an advanced device.
  7. Upvote
    Cookie reacted to nohika in Baby on the way   
    Ain't this the finest example of misogynistic slut shaming I've seen on GC so far. Well done.
    I do agree with the it-will-never-be-perfect argument. There's always going to be something that stops it from being a 'perfect' time.
  8. Upvote
    Cookie got a reaction from bedmas in Baby on the way   
    Congrats, OP!
    My undergrad mentor, a grad student, and his wife had a kid during their last year. Both were writing their theses and managed it wonderfully. I'm sure you will, too. 
    I'm going to do my part and down vote everything Pinkster12 says until she stops giving her unwanted opinions. 
    tee hee
  9. Upvote
    Cookie reacted to Lisa44201 in Baby on the way   
    Full disclosure: this post originally was incredibly snarky. 
    There is never a perfect time to have a baby. Doesn't matter if you're married or not, doesn't matter if you're in school or not. You can waste your life waiting for that next promotion, for the market to come up a little more, for one more degree, one more publication, a tenure track position to come up.... Things could always be better.
    My sister and her husband had been married for the better part of five years before she got pregnant with their first child. My sister was in her fourth year of a Doctoral program. She brought up the topic of kids and life schedules and such with her adviser, and he flat-out told her she should get pregnant then. Do not wait for graduation, do not wait for that perfect job. The timing will never be perfect. It's a lot easier later in the grad school career than it is the first year or two, but there are folks out there who have kids their first year (or in undergrad, even, as I did).
    Pinkster: When you counsel people professionally, your opinion stays out of it. It's called professional distance. You do not get to state your opinion on your client's behavior and then proceed. That is unprofessional, and it will get you fired. You will deal with people who do a hell of a lot worse than get pregnant in grad school, and you keep your opinion to yourself. If you want to howl about the unfairness of other people having stable relationships that lead to them having children while simultaneously successfully completing their graduate studies, make your own thread.
  10. Upvote
    Cookie reacted to GeoDUDE! in Baby on the way   
    Pinkster, we should go out. I'm in a graduate program looking for a wife but I haven't found anyone. You will have to convert to Judaism, as my kids must be Jewish.  
    I love this thread.
  11. Upvote
    Cookie reacted to Monochrome Spring in Baby on the way   
    You are being both blatantly rude and ignorant, and don't try to defend yourself by saying it's "truth" because you are giving opinionated comments that contradict science. Just because the OP is having an unexpected child does not mean that he doesn't know how they are made, does not mean that he doesn't know how to use birth control, and does not mean that he isn't looking forward to this new child. It does mean that his girlfriend got pregnant when they didn't expect it. Despite the low probability of getting pregnant while using birth control, it can happen, and did.
    Since you don't appear to know how statistics work, I'll explain it for you: even if there is only a low probability of something happening to a person, there are still people that it happens to, as is the case here. That doesn't make those people irresponsible. The OP wasn't even trying to get opinions on this unexpected child's conception. He wants to know how to manage a child in graduate school.
    Maybe you should take a look at yourself before you give someone else life advice. You are obviously at a different point in your life than the OP, and how you want to live your life is irrelevant. Not only are you younger, you're also less mature both emotionally and academically. In addition to that, you seem to have a warped perception of what being married and having children entails. As someone who is seeking graduate school as a way to get a husband, you obviously have no idea what it means to be in a PhD program or be in a long-term relationship, which includes owning a home and being relatively financially secure. I've also just become aware that you have poor reading comprehension, as you somehow think that the original poster has a "crap income".
    I agree with Nohika that you should never become a social worker. You are obviously far too insecure with yourself to make sound judgements about anyone else's life, and you will probably do more harm than good.
  12. Downvote
    Cookie reacted to LittleDarlings in Baby on the way   
    Maybe you didn't notice but I was already accepted into one 
    Anyways I didn't say you HAVE to be married to have kids, it is ideal though.  The whole point is broken condoms and failed BC aren't THAT common.  Like I said I have used both and I'm not pregnant so...
    The OP is in school and having a kid with a crap income... yeah that is super responsible..
  13. Upvote
    Cookie reacted to St Andrews Lynx in Baby on the way   
    You want to get an MSW in Social Work.
    You have mentioned an interest in counselling.
    The first thing you do when a forum member says "X has happened - I need advice." is to respond with "I can't believe you were so irresponsible as to let X happen!"
    ...Does anybody else notice a problem here?
    Pinkster, if you want to last 5 minutes in a Social Work program, you need to accept a couple of things. 
    When people tell you "X has happened (note the past tense) and I need help dealing with X" it is completely useless to berate them about how stupid they were for allowing X to happen. They can't turn back the clock. They can't undo what has already happened. For that reason alone it is horrible to condemn instead of assist them. In the course of your Social Work job, you will come across clients who have made TERRIBLE lifestyle decisions. This post is actually an example of the best-case scenario - somebody does everything right (use contraceptives, is in a steady relationship) and Thing X has happened anyway. In the course of your Social Work job you are going to come across clients who have consciously made a series AWFUL decisions: they've done everything wrong, their lifestyle choices have been ill-informed to the point where you have to suspend your disbelief that they actually did *that*. Their choices are based on principles you fundamentally disagree with from the core of your being. THESE PEOPLE NONETHELESS ARE COMING TO YOU FOR CONSTRUCTIVE, NON-JUDGEMENTAL ADVICE. If you cannot put aside your narrow-minded prejudices, inability to empathise or tone of moral superiority then you shouldn't be a Social Worker. Full stop.  
    ...I can't believe I even had to write this.
  14. Downvote
    Cookie reacted to LittleDarlings in Baby on the way   
    .... I know the whole "birth control fails, condoms fail" argument (even though I have NEVER once met someone with that as their excuse but ok). Anyways like I said if you don't want a baby or aren't READY for one then we all know how they are created. 
  15. Downvote
    Cookie reacted to LittleDarlings in Baby on the way   
    Jealous of???? 
    Believe me if I wanted to be pregnant right now I am sure I could.. not that hard to be irresponsible, obviously
    Out of curiosity how old is the OP?
  16. Downvote
    Cookie reacted to LittleDarlings in Baby on the way   
    Well actually I said my THERAPIST had an ideal situation. My point is if you don't want a kid then we all know what it takes to make a kid. If I was in a PhD program I wouldn't get pregnant if I didn't WANT to. Just saying. What I said was honest. I mean HE created his complex situation did he not?

    Anyways whatever I'm not going to argue about it.
  17. Downvote
    Cookie reacted to LittleDarlings in Baby on the way   
    I mean I would think one would think of how a baby would effect their life BEFORE they do the things that create babies... Anyways it is in there now so guess you just have to adjust. Good luck. 
  18. Upvote
    Cookie reacted to madamelulu in Finding a husband in graduate school.   
    i think yall need to get off her ass she say she wanna educate herself and have a career but above all else she wanna dedicate herself to a family and ain't nothin wrong with that. she prolly just a lovin nurturer and thas what make her happy. every woman don't need to be aspirin to be michelle obama or some shit to be livin right. and i dono why loric is up in here like 'what make you good enough to be a wife'. nobody should be subjected to that douchey ass backwards question, you don't gotta answer to that girl
    that said, i think you need to just do you in the mean time girl. make sure you always lookin right but not to please some dude, just so you always know you hella bomb. you seem anxious. you just need to work on ya own confidence and do you these next few years and the niggas will come to YOU trust me. look at beyonce. she always just been like work work im hot gotta stay focused and all the dudes still up on her dick and she prolly bouta hit menopause soon
  19. Upvote
    Cookie got a reaction from M4ss5pec in Ask a question   
    No. This is not a place to ask for homework help. Go somewhere else.
  20. Downvote
    Cookie reacted to cindyxu in Help me   
    Is it possible to combine calcium sulfite with witherite to form lime and barium sulphite?
    CaSO3+BaCO3 → CaCO3+BaSO3
    Thank you in advance!
  21. Upvote
    Cookie reacted in Finding a husband in graduate school.   
    I hope you don't become a marriage counselor.
  22. Upvote
    Cookie reacted to bedmas in Graduate student dating/relationship poll   
    i'm also not a fan of singling women out as wanting to `find a mate.' first of all, that's completely heteronormative. and in general, it's not everyone's priority. i worked incredibly hard for 4 years to get into this msc program and it encompasses my life (which is fine, that's what i was getting into!). if i decide to continue onto a phd, that's another 4-5 years on top of the 2 i'm looking at now. 
    6-10 years of hard work will be because THAT is what i want in life and i'm interested in taking care of myself and my interests. yes, it would be nice to find a partner along the way. maybe not from school (probably/hopefully not, even). but i wouldn't drop everything i've worked so hard for because i met someone. 
    i realize this sounds pretty aggressive but different people have different priorities and i don't like the implication i've seen around here lately that being 22-23 and having never been in a serious relationship means someone is defective.
  23. Upvote
    Cookie reacted to SocGirl2013 in Graduate student dating/relationship poll   
    I respect your wishes and the desire to be a wife/mother, but I am sorry to say your singling out of "women" as a group whose motives you don't understand when different from yours rubs me in the wrong way. Why should women worry about "finding a mate" any more than men should? Nobody will ever criticise the choices you make for yourself for they are YOUR choices and YOUR life, but the sexist overtones of some of your generalized sentiments are bothersome to me and many others.
  24. Downvote
    Cookie reacted to LittleDarlings in Graduate student dating/relationship poll   
    No offense by this comment, I am shocked how people put school before families? Maybe it is because I am weird and want a husband and babies more than anything but if I had a long term boyfriend I would probably not even be applying to grad school if it meant not being with him.  My ex and I were together 3 months and I was planning a future lol, had we not broken up in Aug I don't think I would have started applying to schools.  I knew I wanted to go back to school, but with him being in the military I wanted to always be free to do whatever he needed you know? I don't know I can't imagine prioritizing school and research work and stuff over my relationship.   I would never leave school once I am in though either.  
  25. Upvote
    Cookie reacted to HERDERRCHEMISTRY in Chemistry Applications Fall 2014   
    Area of interest: Total Synthesis
    Undergraduate institution: Public Big 10 University
    GPA: 3.99
    Chem GPA: 3.97
    Mathematics minor 2 years of undergrad research experience in synthesis by graduation (includes departmental fellowship for summer 2013 and grant to fund research during school year for one semester) NSF-REU at different Big 10 University for organic synthesis Honors thesis (Summa Cum Laude Honors) 2 departmental awards for academic performance 1 national acs poster presentation upcoming (Dallas) 2 graduate courses in advanced organic chemistry topics 2 LOR from research advisors (REU and home institution), 1 LOR from organic lab prof/graduate synthesis course
    GRE: Verbal 95%, Quant. 91%, Writing 97%, Chemistry (Oct. 2013) 91%
    Schools Applying to: Cal Tech, Scripps, Berkeley, Irvine, UCLA, Illinois, Wisconsin, UPenn
    Shooting for Cal Tech and Scripps...we'll see how this goes.
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