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latoya724's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. That decision is totally up to you. It really depends on the program's format and if is tailored to you. You should also consider cost issues. Will you start a salary where the loan payments won't seriously erode your income? Different people will give you different advice. There are some people on this board who would say go to NYU because of the alumni network, prestige, and possible high income jobs after graduation. I, on the other hand, turned down American and Johns Hopkins, because I couldn't' justify the loan payments. I definately couldn't figure out how to live in DC. I'm a first generation college student and I'm doing this all on my own. Even with a full-scholarship and stipend, I am trying to figure out my financials. I would definately look into financial aid sources at NYU. You may be able to find an on-campus job where tuition remission is a benefit. If you were an RA in undergrad then consider becoming a Hall Director. Talk to your program to see if there are any NYU research centers seeking grad assistants, or any internships to earn money. If you can financially support your decision (whether youd decide to take out loans or find financial backing) and you personally feel it is the best choice...then go for it. It is ultimately your decision, your career, your life. You shoould definately make the choice that is best for you.
  2. I would follow-up to see if any assistantships become available. If any students decline their admissions offer, you may be awarded their assistanship. Just be mindful of getting annoying. I would also looking into other options for funding at UD. There are various assistantships available on-campus. You can write 'Research Assistantships' in the search box and some may pop up. You can also look up research centers and ask them if there are any research assistantships available. You can also look into res life. Hope I was able to help.
  3. licy...where did you decide on attending?
  4. You can also send an additional information that was not sent with initial application. Its best to offer new information that is not already in the file....new accomplishments, etc. I work in college admissions and that is what we expect from our waitlist candidates.
  5. sivan... I would recommend calling the school directly. Only the school would know how the waitlist is moving. It differs from year to year. Some years, a lot of people may be moved off the the waitlist...others none.
  6. and thanks pace.. for you advice. I'm pretty comfortable with my decision.
  7. LS529- I wonder the same thing.... what would I missing out on? ( can anyone answer that)
  8. I'm in a situation where I've been accepted to Johns Hopkins MPP(w/partial scholarship), American MPP (no money), and UDelaware MPA (full tuition scholarship+stipend). In my case, Delaware has my concentration in Educational Policy, and faculty & research centers in my area. I am required to do an assistantship (we do research for the state), and an internship. I love my program, I love my school (it's my alma mater), and its actually best suited for my learning style. It just bothers me that people in this board are so focused on prestige and money. People make it seem that if you don't go to certain schools, you won't get a decent job. I don't come from money, so taking on a huge debt will seriously put a dent in my starting salary. Also, I just don't think these elitist attitudes belong in public policy. People on this board don't really discuss, what they hope to do with the degree. They only discuss what the degree will do for them. It is because of these attitudes, that Princeton is under that lawsuit from benefactors- too many people have hidden agendas. Of course, I want to make a decent salary-no one wants to be poor. But on that same note, in public policy that should not be your main impetus.
  9. So what is the concensus on this board.... Is it better to pay for prestige or choose a program that is affordable(or free)? (Suitability, and other factors aside) Is it really worth paying $50,000 for public policy degree? It's not a law degree, where the salary will pay off the debt. Is there a place for elitism in public policy? It seems like most people are very prestige focused on these discussion boards... I'm just trying to find out why. ***P.S. I can't wait until USNEWS is back.
  10. So what is the concensus on this board.... Is it better to pay for prestige, or choose a program that is affordable (or free) ? (Suitability, and other factors aside) Is it really worth paying $50,000 for public policy degree? It's not a law degree, where the salary will pay off the debt. Is there a place for elitism in public policy? It seems like most people are very prestige focused on these discussion boards... I'm just trying to find out why. ***P.S. I can't wait until USNEWS is back.
  11. So what is the concensus on this board.... Is it better to pay for prestige, or choose a program that is affordable (or free) ? (Suitability, and other factors aside) Is it really worth paying $50,000 for public policy degree? It's not a law degree, where the salary will pay off the debt. Is there a place for elitism in public policy? It seems like most people are very prestige focused on these discussion boards... I'm just trying to find out why. ***P.S. I can't wait until USNEWS is back.
  12. I personally only applied to one MPA Program at UDelaware.. I applied for MPP programs at American and Johns Hopkins. I personally didn't like the focus areas within other MPA programs. At Delaware, there is a lot of balance -for instance we have to write an analytical paper. Many MPA programs do not require this. Also, most students in the MPA program are fully funded with full tuition and assistantship. Since Delaware is a small state, the students work closely with state officials, work at the state's research centers, and can be legislative fellows.
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