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  • Location
  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
  • Program
    Literature & Publishing

Sarhush's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Hmm, one of the recommended students from Smith also applied to Ireland for Language and Literature... doesn't seem like a good sign for me.
  2. What is your husband's proposal? I'm curious since we both applied to Ireland.
  3. Don't stress out about the date! Considering that we've been waiting since mid-October, finding out tomorrow versus within two weeks from then doesn't involve a huge amount of time.
  4. My professor went to the UK on a Fulbright, and he was surprised that there would be no phone interview for Ireland. He told me that his interview basically seemed like they were just checking to make sure he wasn't crazy and would be a positive representation of Americans. He was in Northern Ireland, though, so interviews for different parts of the UK may be different. I think you will be fine if you just review your application and the Fulbright mission statement. And don't mention your 2nd amendment rights!
  5. Thanks for taking this up! While it's still in the early stages, is it possible the make list sort-able by each column? Just wondering. For questions 34-37 on page 4? I left that entire section blank. Did you say that dependents were accompanying you abroad?
  6. Well, I graduate in May, and I've read that it would be inappropriate to apply for jobs in this field so far in advance. I'm looking for an entry-level assistant position in a publishing house-- preferably within the publicity or editorial departments. The listings I've looked at so far are all very recent-- posted generally within the last few weeks or so. What are your thoughts? I've been planning to begin applying in late March/early April, which is when I'd also find out my final Fulbright results-- if I get that far!
  7. Did you apply at large or through an institution? If through an institution, I believe that the Fulbright adviser receives you acceptance/rejection as well, so there's that if the coordinator doesn't get back to you! If I don't get the Fulbright, I'm planning to seek employment in my field-- Publishing. It's way too early for me to apply for anything, though.
  8. I'm pretty sure that there were 230 applicants to Malaysia for the October deadline. This number wouldn't include the applicants who applied through their institution and were not moved on to the national competition, however. Correct me if I'm wrong!
  9. Thanks for digging this chart up! For some countries, it looks like those who were ultimately rejected found out several days after the acceptances went out to applicants for the same program. How mean! I can definitely envision a lot of email refreshing.
  10. You're right! I found the personal websites of a few awardees, and they call themselves "Fulbright Scholars."
  11. I also applied for the full Fulbright to Ireland! So there's 2 out of the 63 projected applicants. Question-- do you have any idea why there are so many US awardees listed on Ireland's Fulbright website?
  12. Thank you! There are Fulbright awards for citizens of other countries, but it definitely makes sense that my country of origin is a given based on what website I applied through.
  13. Last minute question! For the statement of grant, the header is as follows: And the personal statement header should follow this guideline: Should "Country" and "country of application" be the country I'm applying to or the country I'm from?
  14. Are you familiar with Tumblr? I did a quick google search and found this blog authored by someone doing a Fulbright ETA in Taiwan. If you go to this link, you can ask the author about her application experience. You'll need to create an account, though.
  15. Now that we're just about on the eve of the long waiting game, what sort of alternatives do people have? I applied for both the Fulbright and George J. Mitchell in the hope of pursuing an MA in Literature and Publishing from the National University of Ireland, Galway. I have somewhere around a 1/63 chance of getting the Fulbright and a 12/300 shot at the George J. Mitchell. If I don't get either award, I'll probably have to move back in with my parents after I finish my undergrad this coming May. Luckily, I'm near enough to D.C., so I should be able to find a job or an internship in my field.
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