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Everything posted by CheeAZ

  1. Update: wait listed at University of Washington. The email I received: Our faculty has concluded their review of applications and all first-round offer letters have been sent out. This year was incredibly competitive having received nearly 300 applications for 11 slots. You are currently on our first tier waitlist however (within the top 20 of 40 waitlisted). We will notify you in April to extend an offer if enough positions become available. If in the meantime you would like to withdraw your application please let us know, otherwise you will remain on the waitlist until either a position opens up for you or all slots are filled, at which time we will notify you either way. Thank you for your patience and interest in the Chemical Engineering Program at the University of Washington.
  2. Dstory. If you can, send me a message. Ill answer your questions that way.
  3. Update - here is what I have heard so far: UT Austin ChEE - Rejected UT Austin Pet Eng - Accepted Texas A&M - Accepted University of Houston - Accepted Stanford - Rejected Wisconsin - Rejected University of Pittsburgh - Accepted Minnesota - Waiting University of Washington - Waiting UCSB - Waiting
  4. Giles - I received a rejection from UT Austin last week. So it might be good news for you. Keep us posted
  5. I applied to many of the same schools in addition to several others. Have not heard back and am not expecting to hear back till late January - at the earliest. UT Austin is nĂºmero uno on my list. I applied to Minnesota and Wisconsin but have little to no desire to attend. Graduated 2 years ago and started work immediately as a process engineer. 3.8 gpa, 1 published paper as an undergrad, good extracurriculars, good quant score low verbal, good letters of Rec (stayed in touch with college professors as I knew I wanted to go back to school), 2 years work experience, graduated from your run of the mill state school - nothing special. I'll visit frequently to see if you guys/gals?! Get accepted anywhere. Good luck.
  6. I think you may be worrying about this too much. If you got below a 160 - I would retake. University of Minnesota's graduate website provides the most comprehensive information I have seen with respect to GRE scores (https://apps.grad.umn.edu/stats/ad/1016000.shtml#gre) take a look. These statistics should be on par with other top ChEE programs.
  7. It sounds like you have a solid application. My two questions for you are: (1) do you have good letters of recommendation and (2) do you think you could do much better on the test? From what I understand, the test can only hurt you if you do poorly - which you have not. Good luck with your applications. I am applying to some of the schools you listed as well.
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