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Posts posted by hannahmichelle

  1. I JUST realized that my intended graduate major that I have registered with ETS is Sociology, but I'm now applying for History. This was from awhile ago, but I changed my mind over the last few months. Anyways, I can't change it myself on the website, and I'm worried that it will be written on the score reports when they go out to grad schools (my first deadline is Dec 1, and tomorrow is Thanksgiving, so I don't think I can call them until Monday, Nov 26!). Will it be written on score reports if I can't change it on time? Does it matter??

  2. I am applying for a PhD in History for Fall 2013, with a focus on Modern Europe, and a particular emphasis on Eastern Europe/the Balkans. I graduated with a BA in History from a liberal arts school that is well-known in Texas, but not in the rest of the country. My overall GPA was a 3.64, my history GPA was 3.8. I wrote a Senior Thesis in history under the supervision of a professor, and got an A. I also worked as a research assistant for another history professor in summer 2010. I have great relationships with my professors who will write my recommendations. I also did a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship in Bulgaria for a year where I taught at a school and volunteered for an NGO that was geared toward building civil society in my small town (and by the way, the lack of civil society and social capital in Balkan countries is one aspect of Eastern Europe that I want to incorporate into my PhD research, so I think the experience is relevant). I also did on the ground research in Bulgaria that will culminate in a paper (not a history paper, though). By the time I enter grad school, I will have 3 years of teaching under my belt (2 in Shanghai, 1 in Bulgaria).

    The only things I'm really worried about are my GRE scores (Q:151, V:162, don't have my Writing score yet, but I imagine it will be in the 4-5 range). I'm also worried they won't see high school teaching as valid teaching experience. I'm especially worried about how they will see my experience in China. I've been teaching (SAT/TOEFL prep and humanities classes like US History and American Literature) there, but it's irrelevant to my academic interests.

    I'm applying to all top universities (UC Berkeley, UT Austin, UNC, Columbia, NYU, Stanford, maybe U Chicago). Given my mediocre GRE scores, what are my chances of getting in and getting funding??

  3. I took a review test from the Princeton Review Cracking the GRE, and when I was computing my raw score (i.e. counting how many questions I got correct), I noticed that the highest raw scores for Math and Verbal were in the 50s, even though there are only 40 questions for the V and 40 for the M. Why is that? I got 34 questions right out of 40, not out of 50...

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