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Everything posted by DAL

  1. Wow, thanks. That's excellent news.
  2. I'd like to know whether MA programs in Art History, which have foreign language requirements (e.g. French, German, Italian), are at all likely to waive or delay their foreign language requirement for an applicant if that applicant cannot immediately meet that requirement. And if not, would you be willing to recommend some programs that do not require a foreign language or are at least more flexible about when an MA student must pass their foreign language exam (meaning no test in the first or second semester!)? I ask this because I learned Greek during my graduated B.A in Philosophy, and most MA Art History programs seem to require modern foreign language competency, at least they do for my intent, which is to focus on modern and contemporary art, theory, and criticism - influence from my philosophy background, no doubt! I'm aware that UConn and SAIC do not have foreign language requirements, so those are appealling choices. I will be studying either French or German independently; however I'm not confident I'll be profficient by the first semester of an MA program, hence my concern. By the way, my liberal arts college doesn't have an Art History department, so I'm struggling to get a full picture, or even an adequate one, of the Art History academic domain before I apply. This is why I need your help! I've searched to see if a similar post has been made before, and I don't believe one has. Thanks for any help!
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