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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    New Jersey
  • Application Season
    2013 Spring
  • Program
    Clinical Psychology Phd

newjerseypsyc32's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Well with the new year beginning I just wanted to wish everyone the best of luck as the next month and a half will hopefully be full of interview invites for all of us!
  2. Do you mean phd or MA? There is a distinct difference in admission criteria so this is important information. Also what type of program? Is it clinical in nature, developmental, social, quant? All of this would help someone give you better advice
  3. Congrats! Good luck to you on an interview there!
  4. Looks likes a great study and Edna foa is one of the principal investigators of the study I saw some RA postings for her part of the studies
  5. Well we have rutgers in common. Otherwise all different actually. My research interest is more of stress, coping, and PTSD. I also have an interest in how stress and coping integrate into cardiovascular functioning (worked in multiple labs) so im applying to a mix of behavioral medicine focused individuals and PTSD. Sounds like some interesting stuff, just wanted to see. Im guessing if your at fort. hood then your on the Foa PTSD study, I saw some posting on usa jobs about that study. Good luck!
  6. Kmurrin, what are you research interests/where are you applying. Mines in PTSD so that's why I ask. You can pm me if you'd prefer that
  7. This sounds like a great idea. I think exercise is a good way to actively cope with the stress and stop all the bad habbits! Although chances are I wont do yoga, going to the gym to lift or run is something I think I'm going to get back into. Ive actually attempted to learn the area codes for my schools so that calls from spammers dont freak me out!
  8. So today has been an exceptionally worrisome day for me, out of curiosity how are you all coping with the stress? I try to distract but that tends to be futile. I'm still looking for the best way to cope with the anxiety associated with this anticipation.
  9. Out of curiosity, what is the area you want to work in when you go for a PhD. One of the most important factors is fit. Also some schools take a more holistic approach (from what I've been told) and calculate GPA and GRE together in addition to your statement, experience, and fit. Additionally you can use your statement to attempt to explain away those low grades. I think you have a shot, I'm just another applicant but I have received a great deal of good advice. Hope this helps.
  10. I heard back from 10 of the 15 I contacted. Only one of those said they weren't talking. Just hoping the other 5 are taking students. Only 3 schools? I don't have the confidence in myself for that...nor enough confidence in the process.
  11. I must say, I couldnt agree more with the rollercoaster feelings. Some days, I think that I am going to have multiple interviews, on others, I'm looking for Full time RA jobs. Let's hope that all of this worry ends up being worth it!
  12. Submitted all of my December 1st and 15th apps. Still have 2 for Jan 1 and 2 for Jan 15. The anxiety waiting to hear if I'll get interviews is grueling already. Best of luck
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