Perhaps I should ask a direct question: would any of you be able to "suck it up" and work in a completely different department in which you have no experience in for the next 4+ years? It seems like an awfully long time to be doing something that doesn't make you happy. I know grad school isn't supposed to be the happiest experience of your life, but I would at least like to enjoy it (and not have to take another year full of courses just to catch myself up to speed on a completely new subject). This semester alone I'm taking close to 19 credits (including 4 classes, rotations, and other small courses required by the program); this courseload is specifically for my department. So if I don't get into this department, I've killed myself for these classes for absolutely nothing. I've done one rotation in a different department that I have some experience in (there's only two departments here in which I've had course or research experience), but ultimately I would like to do my Ph.D. in my current department. With the lack of funding for the majority of the labs in my department, it looks like the chances of getting into a lab in my department are slim (especially with additional people competing). I also understand it's supposed to be competitive, but when there's so little room in the department in general and I came in under the assumption that way more professors had funding, it's a little frustrating. Am I in the right for feeling this way, was the program in the wrong at all for accepting so many students for this department and then essentially screwing us over? Or should I just shut up and suck it up and deal with it?
Also, Eigen, you've given great feedback and advice, so thank you!