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  1. you know, this doesn't bother me too too much at this point as i already accepted an offer from one of my top choices MONTHS ago... but i just went through to check on the 4 schools (out of 11 i applied to) that i never heard back from. and guess what? all of their application websites STILL say "your status will be here when we get it" or "referred to college for review." i was totally taken aback! how could they string people a long like that? what if they had been the only schools i applied to?! i am just wondering if anyone else has found that some schools just NEVER responded to them. i mean, seriously, i paid a lot of money to get either your rejection or acceptance!
  2. it was actually really unusual, but I went to my first choice for an interview, and when i got home from the airport there was an acceptance letter to the program i had JUST interviewed at in my mailbox. It was a little confusing because during the wonderful interview weekend they kept talking about how we'd have to wait a few days to hear from them and all that, but my letter was dated the day BEFORE the interview. interesting stuff, but im happy nonetheless!
  3. I got an email from UIC GEMS stating that acceptances go out in late spring...
  4. I got an invitation for Boston University's biology recruitment interview weekend today, so maybe you will still hear from them!
  5. I got an email from UIC saying they haven't sent out any GEMS interview offers yet. Call if it still says incomplete because they won't review without everything in. Did you do the random extra things they ask for on the website?
  6. Oh and I totally agree with the fact that if a school is planning on rejecting you, they should send you a notice. Checking statuses or having to email them with updates only to get rejected can be rough.
  7. I thought the anxiety would subside after i got my first interview.... But now it's worse! I can't quite get a handle on whether my interview is pre or post acceptance, but who knows. Waiting to hear from more dream schools, fingers crossed!
  8. First word from any schools; Ohio State University PhD program in microbiology! Interview is at the end of the month. SO EXCITED
  9. are you from chicago? I was born and raised there, and I feel like Northwestern has always been the dream! Just make sure your SOP and LOR are stellar and I am sure everything will work out. This is all so exciting now!
  10. Yes, I might want to.
  11. Hello everyone! Long time reader, first time contributor! So I am curious if anyone here has applied to, been accepted or rejected from the University of Utah's molecular biology program, or any similar programs. I am graduating in may with a Bachelors in Biology, and I am applying for several programs now, including: The University of Utah's Molecular Biology program Northwestern University Ohio State University Boston University Tufts University I am curious to see what people think of my statistics, as I am the first person in my family to go to graduate school, and I would like some honest advice from strangers! My GPA in major is 3.714, with a cumulative of 3.614. GRE scores: 162 VERBAL, 152 QUANT, (old scores combined about 1310) and I am retaking them for good measure in a few weeks. I have 4 incredible professors writing me letters of recommendation, and I think my SOP is pretty well developed. Thank you all so much for your input and advice. This is all so scary, and I am grateful for a community like this to help me out.
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