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  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
  • Program
    Neuroscience. PhD

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  1. Keep your head up! You have great interviews ahead of you!
  2. My first is on Feb. 8th! I can't wait =) When's yours?
  3. Glad to know I'm not the only one to have had such an experience! I'm sure everything happens for a reason. I had spoken to this particular PI over the phone (wasn't able to visit) for over 2 hours and didn't feel like we meshed-actually I didn't feel like I was able to get two words in the entire "conversation". So I'm not too dissapointed. I am a strong believer it's not just about the program-you have to find a PI who fits too. I hope you get admitted to OSU!!!
  4. LOL, that's okay. I don't know what the reason could have been. I had sent my transcripts, CV, and current research description to the PI I was speaking with months ago and was told that they looked great. I don't have any publications yet, which we spoke about, and I have strong LOR's. Maybe they found more qualified applicants interested in working with that particular PI. I also appleid to UCSF, UCSD, Duke, Emory, UT Austin, Florida State, Georgia State, Michigan State, and UMich. I hope your interviews go through!
  5. I was rejected from UC Davis! After talking to a PI since August! The PI contacted me initially too!! I'm pretty surprised and a little annoyed. They said they had over 200 applicants for 26 interview spots.
  6. I also emailed them-just today though. I haven't received a response yet. Can I ask who you and @neurogradstudent emailed? I am super surprised if I'm rejected-I've been talking to this one neuro PI from there since August. She sure spent a lot of time corresponding with me and for nothing if I'm rejected!
  7. Any UC Davis news? They are the last program I'm waiting on and I haven't seen anything posted.
  8. I heard from Michigan State-interview dates are feb 20th-23rd. I can't make those dates but luckily they rescheduled for me. Not sure about the rest on your list.
  9. Wow, that does sound atypical. That is not at all what I am expecting. I don't like when people ask me questions that are too personal. I honestly feel like my personal life is no one's business so long as it does not interfere with my work/studies. Was this at UGA?
  10. Yes stmwap, share your experience! I'm nervous too.
  11. Is the person who posted on the results page that they were accepted from UT Austin on Jan. 15th on this message board? Can you please futher explain how you are accepted already? I don't understand how that's possible when interviews are not taking place until the end of Feb. Thanks =)
  12. My interview invitations said to dress casually (did not specify business casual) with comfortable shoes for a lot of walking. However, a few grad students advised me to dress business casual. I'm female but the grad students who advised me are males!
  13. Yes, that is what I am going to do. I really hope MSU reschedules with me! I will have anxiety about it until I hear from them. By the way, I received an invitation interview to Florida State today! I'm excited! Yet, still no interview to GSU. I think I'm likely rejected from there by now. I'm okay with that. I am happy with the three I have and hopefully UC Davis will come through for me too! Kinda bummed we won't be able to have an interview together tho
  14. I haven't asked UT Austin because I saw a previous post where someone stated that Austin would not reschedule with them. My plane ticket has already been purchased by UT Austin and they booked the room already too. Do you think I should ask them?
  15. I spoke with the graduate recruiting coordinator at MSU and asked if I could reschedule my interview as it conflicts with UT Austin's interview dates. I was told not at this time but they may possibly reschedule later. Bummer!!!
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