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Posts posted by FrenchO

  1. Hi there,


    As this forum proved very useful last year, I want to return the favor. Like MPPGal I am a current first year LBJ School student, but in the MGPS program. I will be glad to answer any questions or concerns about the school and the program.


    In a nutshell, I am originally from France. I moved to Austin last Summer to attend LBJ and have been really happy with my choice so far.

  2. Wolf Blitzer as a selling point is hilarious.


    Not sure I understand why.


    I'm not from the US (obviously), and I had never heard of that guy before (no, I don't watch CNN that often). So, not prejudiced.


    But having a school bringing in a journalist, who apparently had a rather solid career do not seem hilarious at all to me. Rather something interesting, that shows that SAIS can lead to different successful careers. So, it is in fact a selling point.


    Then maybe the guy is politically oriented and so, but even then, I think this only fact is something interesting to show the potential of a school.

  3. Any non US or EU internationals considering this school?


    Well, I am considering SAIS, but the DC program not the Bologna one !

    Though Bologna is a really cool city, I've already spent some time in Italy ^^

  4. TO everyone interested by the Camp LBJ schedule & description, send me your email address in PM, as I cannot attach files on GradCafe.



    I just read the course description that Prabhu sent out for Advanced Empirical Methods, and may have whimpered a bit. I have bad memories of game theory being used as a tool by sadistic/bored TAs to trick undergrads on exams. Nonetheless I shall take a deep breath, clutch my pencils, and soldier through....perhaps things will be better when the examples are actually applicable to real world situations as opposed to bargains over imaginary luggage. 


    Haha, I promise Game Theory can be very interesting. Especially when applied to industrial, oligopoly case situations ;)

  5. Who is planning on attending ?


    17th of July is really early, especially for those of us who will be moving from overseas. But it sounds like a nice way to get used to Austin and become part of the LBJ community. And start to have some introduction on Policy issues. Coming from a heavy math background (it's France guys !), I don't need to take any stat exam, but I can certainly help others ;)


    Prabhu sent me last year schedule & presentation of Camp LBJ when I inquired for information, so I can share it with anyone interested (PM).

  6. Well, we will definitely see each other at the Open House on April 8. I am going for the MGPS as well.

    Thanks for the opinion, I must say I pretty much agree. Still, I really want to take the most possible informed decision for my next two years !



    MPPGal : if we don't have any answer on last Monday Open House, I will keep you posted on the one in two weeks.

  7. Hey MPPGal !


    We both now we're pretty much in the same boat here. So I will be happy to hear from others as well, and I will share a few thoughts:


    First, the "important" connections of GPPI : the connections that matter are the connections related to your field of study and field you want to work afterwards. General connections in DC won't help you as much as really relevant connections from the LatAm & Environmental departments in Austin. The question is more, do the actual expertise of Austin in those areas translate in some useful concrete connections. From the discussions I have with the faculty there, it appears they do.


    Location : definitely DC is THE international affairs hub. That's one of my main concern with Austin. And while Princeton is also lost in the countryside, it has the name that draw world class praticioners & speakers anyway. But LBJ faculty seems really involved in many national & international research projects and there is a lot going on there. Plus, they look really dedicated to teaching. So I guess it could balance some star guest speakers !


    I have a phone call with Kate Weaver tonight, so maybe I will be able to share more on the subject after.



  8. I am pretty much in the same position as you, lacanadiense, I got top funding from LBJ and for this and other reasons it is my top choice right now.


    But being an international student, I also am concerned about job opportunities at an international level, in international organizations. Especially compared to other top IR programs in DC I've been admitted to. Do you have more information on which international organization and what positions she fed grads into, Kitten ? I will probably also send an email to ask about this myself.


    But really interested in any information that can come out from this thread as well.

  9. Decisions are out for the MIA apparently ! Mine is available on the website.
    Got in with no scolarship. Excited, but I was pretty much in the same state of mind as alf10087 anyway :)

  10. I think staff is off until Monday? or so I've been led to believe. I'm definitely calling in a bit, though.


    Honestly, I am pretty suspicious. Didn't someone on here say that they were told there were a bunch of new people entering the decisions manually? And why would some who have gotten good news from Goldman and really good news from Duke get pinged at LBJ? Hmmm....

    I've exchanged a few emails with Prabhu yesterday, so I don't think Admissions are off this week.

  11. Got my email around 7:30 pm European time.


    I don't think we have to try to find any signs or any kind of rules, they might just be uploading the answers in the same order the admision committee reviewed them. Though it's rather frustating to wait !


    Good luck to those still waiting !


    @MPPGal, so any more precise ideas on LBJ ?

  12. Well, I have no idea how they prioritize the decisions and the letters.


    We were awarded the Johnson Fellowship, but there is no mention of the fact that I am international in the letter. In fact it just says that it is "one of the highest distinctions offered to an incoming student".


    However, they might have sent the decisions in priority BECAUSE we are international.


    PM me if you want more precise information.

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