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Posts posted by boogidywoogidy

  1. I know! I think I've gone through every link on their website and I can't find the info anywhere! All it says is that for the PsyD the average score is 1150 I believe... But that's it

    Yeah that is exactly what I am finding too!  Although I think that is the minimum score.  Ug!  Hopefully it is not as many as I think, but I literally feel like they could have interviewed something like 80-90 Ph.D. people….yikes!

  2. Yeah I wish they gave more info! I just want to be sure if I should just rule them out :(

    Same.  Do you happen to know if I am just missing something on their website?  I thought they were required to put internship match rate by year and average GRE and GPA by year of application.  I can't find any of this info.

  3. It seems to me they do everything on a rolling basis. I saw two people post acceptances then two more people post interviews so I guess they just process everyone as they come in?

    Yes, they do seem to do it on a rolling basis, although no one has been accepted to the Ph.D. program yet.  I think that was probably the PsyD and they seemed to be doing interviews for those a bit earlier and are still doing them!  I just want to know if they weeded anyone out for the interviews.  I can't find much information on their website in terms of admissions info.  

  4. I am honestly starting to wonder if Yeshiva just interviewed everyone for the PhD program.  I just have seen so many people on grad cafe say they had an interview.  Also, I had my interview on the 12th and there are still people just hearing this week that they have been offered an interview for the 26th!  I don't understand the process at all.  It is not likely alphabetical…unless it is by first name actually….hmm

  5. That sounds promising. I don't think the POI would delay a rejection :-)


    I emailed the director and received a rejection response. Best of luck to you!

    Thanks I really hope so, but am not thinking that is the case.  Did you interview?  I feel like they have to be on the fence or something otherwise they would just let me know. 

  6. Has anyone that interviewed at UNC Charlotte for Clinical Health Psychology heard back yet?  I am wondering because I emailed both the director and my POI on Friday to ask if they had any updates since we were supposed to find out either way at the beginning of the week.  The director never got back to me and my POI asked if I have time to talk tomorrow.  I hoped I would be told of their decision before she calls me.  

  7. I just wanted to say I thought the posts on the results page about Eastern Michigan were hilarious.  Especially "#upyourseastern!".  I didn't even apply to this school, but I think we all know what it feels like to have really good grades from good universities and then get rejected from a school that sounds so below you simply because you are applying to a Ph.D. in clinical psychology.  I do at least!

  8. UNC Charlotte :)  But shhh don't tell the other schools that!

    The PI in my lab told me that at leas the clinical department at UNC Charlotte is meeting this week to discuss applicants.  Not sure if that means they will make a decision this week or not, but it at least means they have just begun the process.  I can't believe it is taking them this long given that the application was due before any of my others!

  9. I keep seeing that people have been both accepted and rejected from Tufts and I still have had no word.  Finally today I got an email saying that they would soon have a decision (same thing as what others posted in the results section).  I was wondering if anyone that was accepted did not have an interview.  The only people I saw that had interviews were school psych people.  

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