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Posts posted by biotinman

  1. I had my first acceptance offer, but I haven't heard back from any other schools. A friend asked me if I would be sending emails to try and get more information in the context that I will have to be making a decision about the offer I have.


    Any advice on whether this is reasonable and tact for such an approach?  --thanks

  2. Undergrad Institution: North Carolina state school

    Major(s): Cellular Biology

    Minor(s): Biotechnology

    GPA in Undergrad: 3.54 in major courses 3.8

    GPA in Grad School: 4.0 ( only on transcript as in progress)

    Position in Class: graduate cum laude so I think thats top 10%

    Type of Student: Male and white

    GRE Scores:

    Q: 164 - 90%

    V: 168 - 98%

    W: 4.0 - 49%

    Research Experience: 1 year in a biotechnology development project and one semester in a systems biology transcriptomics lab.

    Awards/Honors/Recognitions: none

    Pertinent Activities or Jobs: I had a graduate assistant position where I developed learning modules and TA'd graduate and undergraduate genomics/biotechnology lab

    Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: I have interdisciplinary curriculum across cell bio, biochem, programming, and a little bit of computational biology

    Special Bonus Points: For most of the places I applied to I have some fairly specific questions with broad themes that I think mesh well with their faculty.

    Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: Only bad stuff - really bad grades including F's until I caught the research bug, and I have 4.0 since then. I have taken 18-20+ credits in all senior level classes though and had 4.0 while doing research. I doubt anyone looked in that much detail however.

    Applying to Where: Harvard (Systems Biology), WashU (DBBS), UT-Austin (CMB), Michigan State Uni (BioMolecular Sciences Gateway), Duke (computational bio and bioinformatics), MIT (bioengineering), ASU (BioDesign), UCSD (systems biology and bioinformatics), Montana State University (biological engineering), and maybe a couple others like Caltech and U-toronto

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