International applicant.
Bachelor of Veterinary Science (DVM equivalent), reputed university INDIA - 73%
MS (parasitology) - University of Georgia - 3.6 (As of now)
GRE- V-480 53%
Q- 700 64%
A- 3.5
Research experience- Now a Graduate Research Assistant at University of Georgia- 2 second author paper (Under review)..1 first author paper (under preparation), 2 oral and 3 poster presentations at national and regional conferences.
LOR _ might be good ones
Applying to - Vanderbilt, Pittsburgh, UNC, Cornell, Wake forest, UGA, Northwestern, WashU, NYU-Sackler (Biomedical Sciences), Rice, UGA (Cell biology), UGA (Infetious diseases), UCSD, UT Austin (biology), U Iowa (Immunology)
Accepted - 0
Interview- Cornell (ID), UGA (ID), UGA (Cell bio)
Rejected - 0