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Everything posted by mabraham

  1. Ht nesw4314, congratulations and best of luck.... what is your profile..i mean gpa, gre, experience etc..
  2. Same here..I have contacted them twice and they told me that they are in the final few weeks of application evaluation.
  3. Anybody heard anything from Wake Forest MCB?
  4. Any need to put suit for a graduate school interview?
  5. International applicant. Bachelor of Veterinary Science (DVM equivalent), reputed university INDIA - 73% MS (parasitology) - University of Georgia - 3.6 (As of now) GRE- V-480 53% Q- 700 64% A- 3.5 Research experience- Now a Graduate Research Assistant at University of Georgia- 2 second author paper (Under review)..1 first author paper (under preparation), 2 oral and 3 poster presentations at national and regional conferences. LOR _ might be good ones Applying to - Vanderbilt, Pittsburgh, UNC, Cornell, Wake forest, UGA, Northwestern, WashU, NYU-Sackler (Biomedical Sciences), Rice, UGA (Cell biology), UGA (Infetious diseases), UCSD, UT Austin (biology), U Iowa (Immunology) Accepted - 0 Interview- Cornell (ID), UGA (ID), UGA (Cell bio) Rejected - 0
  6. When will most of the schools close for Holidays? Can we expect interview mails upto Dec 22nd?
  7. Good luck to everyone..Congrats for those who already got interview calls....Anybody heard from UPitt - Biomedical
  8. I am an International applicant. Bachelor of Veterinary Science (DVM equivalent), reputed university INDIA - 73% MS (parasitology) - University of Georgia - 3.6 (As of now) GRE- V-480 53% Q- 700 64% A- 3.5 Research experience- Now a Graduate Research Assistant at University of Georgia- 2 second author paper (Under review)..1 first author paper (under preparation), 2 oral and 3 poster presentations at national and regional conferences. LOR _ might be good ones Applying to - Vanderbilt, Pittsburgh, UNC, Cornell, Wake forest, UGA, Northwestern, WashU, NYU-Sackler (Biomedical Sciences), Rice, UGA (Cell biology), UGA (Infetious diseases), UCSD, UT Austin (biology), U Iowa (Immunology) Heard nothing yet. Very tensed because of the mediocre test scores.
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