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Posts posted by HeatherC

  1. I am entering my senior year of undergrad studies and starting to get the ball rolling on the graduate school process. I am 32, single, no children, and living in Grand Junction, Colorado. I have been looking for internships to make myself more marketable and network, but there is little to nothing in the area and I would have to drive 4.5 hours (each way) to Denver to have an internship. My overall GPA is a little low at 3.4 with a major GPA of 3.8 (but I still have 3 semesters to bring this up). I have already picked out my graduate schools but to my dismay there is only five.


    My biggest problem is time because of my age I don't have a lot of time in the day or with obtaining a federal position. I want to go into intelligence (thus the five schools) but they only offer a master's degree. Or I can go the PH.D. route and go just about anywhere but would have to obtain the degree on political science. I am a little unsure of the best course of action for my age and career goal. Intelligence is my first choice, research second, with criminal justice (corrections, prison reform/policy, etc) as my third option.


    I really don't have a lot of time to participate in campus activities because of time constraints so is there anything that I can or should be doing to make myself more marketable to graduate schools? The schools that I am looking at are: University of Denver, Mercyhurst University, Endicott College, University of Detroit-Mercy, and New Jersey City University.


    Any advice anyone can offer would be very much appreciated especially from other nontraditional students or those working in intelligence. I am navigating the process alone and extremely overwhelmed with organizing my timeline.

  2. Hello everyone,

    I am Heather I am 32 and just entering my senior year in college. As you can see I am a nontraditional student who feels like I am so far behind everyone else. I wasn't ready to go to college at 18 so I just worked and finally got tired of working dead end jobs and went back to school. I am planning on going to graduate school but I wonder if I can really be competive because of my age. I try to stay optimistic but it is hard. I am here to learn from others and hopefully pick up some tips because I am trying to navigate grad school on my own, and I may just lose my mind. I hope to talk with everyone soon.

  3. I am right there with you, but as PolyWonk mentioned just take it one step at a time. Talk to past professors or other people you have networked with. Connect with former students, or forums like there to get information. Review items for the GRE like the math section that you said you are weak on. The best advice I can offer is to make a checklist and as you complete the item check it off. Not only will this keep you organized but it will help with your sanity since you can see what you have accomplished. It is overwhelming but I am confident you can do it. Take a deep breath and tackle one item at a time.

  4. I think what is the most important thing to ask yourself is what you want more? Do you want to work in the restaurant or focus on your grad studies. I know that you have a certain loyalty to your manager, but now your circumstances has changed and with it you can't juggle the job, school, and your sanity. I am positive your manager will be understanding and there will be no backlash. It sounds like you have made up your mind so just act on it.

  5. I am in my senior year of undergrad studies with a major in Politial Science and minor in Criminal Justice. I would like to work for the government in the Intelligence field or some type of Homeland Security. I have found 5 grad schools that will give me a masters in intelligence/security none of which I am crazy about their locations. However, I can get a Ph.D. in Political Science and stay in Colorado and/or take courses just about anywhere. So which would be better or which would you suggest? I don't necessarily want to teach but I have heard that you don't really get into research unless you are going for a doctorate.

    To out things into perspective I am living in WV, moving to CO in June 2013. After I graduate if I chose the masters I will have to move back across the country or the PhD I could stay in CO which is very appealing. Please give me some insight I am really conflicted. Money is also an issue.

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