I would like to start out by saying I'm new to the forum. I've looked at a bunch of advice pages on the internet and couldn't find one that answers questions to my particular situation so I thought I would ask you guys.
I'm currently writing some of my personal statements for grad school and one particular school has a prompt that is quite vague and different from the ones I am used to seeing. I am applying for the pHD program in chemistry and they want a very brief statement limited to 1 page that wants the following:
"Write a statement of not fewer than 200 words describing your qualifications and the objectives of your educational program. Report any research activities, publications, independent studies, and memberships in academic, professional, or honorary societies. Account for time that has elapsed between formal studies."
It seems what they want here is very straight forward and doesn't have room for cute anecdotes or personal stories of growth and passion, but instead looks for one to describe their qualifications. Because of this, I am finding it hard to determine how to start this. The limitations seem to ask for some what of a cover letter type thing, but writing it in a letter format seems just as unfitting as the essay about my life format. Would anyone have advice about how to start this?
Also, I researched the professors in the school that I might want to work for and from what I read it is often good to include it to show that you know what you want but this doesn't seem to ask for that either. Is it awkward to name drop in this situation?
Any help would be appreciated.