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Everything posted by TrainDreaming

  1. Year Awards HMs Number of applicants 2012 2,067 1,770 ~12,000? (Thanks, vertices, for this and 2008-2010 Applicant numbers) 2011 2,077 1,987 ~12,000? 2010 2,051 1,974 ~12,000? 2009 1,248 1,824 ~9,000? 2008 913 1,640 ~8,100? It is hard to find information on the numbers of applicants... I update the missing "Numbers of applicants" in all years except 2011 from vertices reply. Thank you, vertices
  2. I read my essays a million times. Sometimes I thought I had a chance. Other times, No. Other times, just impossible to know.
  3. Are we allowed to place bets on the date? I bet Tuesday, April 2nd.
  4. I see in the NSF's "Notice No. 133" released on February 27, 2103 regarding the "Impact on FY 2013 Sequestration Order on NSF Awards": http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/in133/in133.pdf?WT.mc_id=USNSF_80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- We intend to make the necessary FY 2013 reductions with as little disruption as possible to established commitments, and are using the following set of core principles to guide out sequestration planning activities: * Protect commitments to NSF's core mission and maintain existing awards; * Protect the NSF workforce; and * Protect STEM human capital development programs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope that NSF GRFP falls under the 3rd core principle....
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