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Everything posted by Activistjournalist

  1. I did my application, interview and test. I contacted the admissions director and she told me this week is the week. Some have heard back, others will very soon. This thread is for just that purpose.
  2. I haven't heard anything. I'm kinda nervous, some people have heard back. Anymore decisions went you to others?
  3. I applied to: Columbia University (Journalism and International Affairs) DePaul (admitted) UC-Berkeley (did interview, writing test, and just waiting; should hear something by the end of the week) UIS-Public Affiars Reporting
  4. I did mine on the 21st. It went well. I hope yours went well. Also, does anyone know why they pick certain people to do interviews and not for others? On the admissions page it says "selected candidates," which makes me believe that these are exceptional candidates they just want to vet some more through an interview process.
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