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Everything posted by bradfordrr

  1. Today seems top be the day for EDLD interview invitations. Has anyone received one yet? I know we still have an hour until close of business, but I have to assume that the invitations have been sent since the interviews are a week away. I have not received one and at this point I don't expect to, but I would love to hear from anyone who has received an invitation!
  2. I applied to the EDLD program at HGSE
  3. So, I applied to the EDLD Program at HGSE for the fall of 2013. I am getting very excited about the possibility and very anxious and nervous too. I know I am crazy, but it is the only school I applied to because the program was so appealing to me. My goal was to either get into the program or continue teaching. But after writing my SOP, I think I caught the bug. It's crazy, I know. If I don't get in, Im not sure what I will do. Maybe go teach overseas or apply to another program. I'm not sure. Any ideas??
  4. I'm not sure when I got mixed up on that!! I see you are correct. That makes me feel a bit better about not getting invited to interview yet! But now the waiting game has been extended. Any idea as to when the interview invites will be sent out?
  5. I applied to the HGSE EDLD program and only to this program because I am really interested in systematic change and it is the only program I found that really addressed this. Am I the only person freaking out about the whether or not an interview will be granted?? I know the interviews are supposed to be January 31 or February 1. I also heard it is normal for 3,000 people to apply and they only grant 50 interviews. I fully understand the odds are against me, but I am still hoping! Has anyone here been offered an interview for the HGSE EDLD program? Should I stop worrying about it because I am out of the running? Any help would be fantastic. Thanks.
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