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Posts posted by johann.lg9

  1.  I'm waiting for PSU and Minnesota before taking it all into consideration. 


    Hey Patrick,


    I was also waiting for Minnesota and I would advise you to email the DGS (Wall-Romana) to ask him about your status. That's what I did and he notified me of my rejection but, on their website, it still shows that my application is "awaiting program decision". I believe they already selected applicants (at least, that's what he said in the email) but keep the other applicants waiting in case some of the students they selected decline. 

    Penn State is probably doing the same thing. I accepted their offer a few days ago but I think they are still waiting on two other applicants to make a decision before they send offers/rejections to other candidates.

    Congrats about NYU! It is an excellent program!

  2. What is more important for you, guys? location or faculty and department fit?


    Hi cicada!


    First off: congratulations!!! Duke's program is wonderful! To answer your question: you definitely have to choose according to the faculty and department's fit to your interests. I do not think it would be a good idea to choose based on the location (and... let's face it. We are pretty much saying goodbye to our social life for a few years anyway). What I learnt from experience is that writing a thesis on a topic that does not truly interest you will make your life miserable (happened to me). If you're going to spend five years working on a dissertation, you want to enjoy it and write about something you are truly passionate about. 

    This being said, I completely understand how hard this decision is! Austin has a very good reputation as well and the city is, indeed, wonderful. If you could visit the departments, that would probably help.

    Good luck with the decision-making process and whatever you end up deciding, the most important thing is not to regret. You got in three wonderful programs and wherever you end up going, you will love it!


    NYU just told me that my application WILL BE reviewed! Isn't it too late already? They're probably just being polite, their interview day is in three days!




    S'ils te disent que ton application sera considérée, c'est bon signe! Même si leur open house est proche, un(e) candidat(e) s'est peut-être désisté et cela expliquerait le timing. Ils ont déjà refusé des candidatures donc je doute que cette réponse ne soit que polie.

    NYU est un excellent programme. Je te souhaite bonne chance!

    Et bonne chance à vous tous également!

  4. Hello everyone!


    I was the one posting about PSU early last week. I had the interview yesterday and it went really well. They ask really specific questions about your research interests but as long as you're truly passionate about it, you will be fine! 

    I am a French citizen completing graduate studies in the United States and so far I have been accepted at Michigan State and got interviews with Pittsburgh , Penn State and Colorado-Boulder. My application has been rejected by Ann Arbor (like many people I see) and I believe I am waitlisted at Northwestern.

    I am still waiting to hear from Wisconsin, Illinois, Minesotta and Purdue (if any of you applied to Purdue, they told me answers won't be given until the beginning of March...).


    Best of luck to you all!

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