Basic info about me:
1. 3.5 GDP from Berkeley, econ and poli sci double major. GRE at verbal 161, math 167 , essay 4.5. Can definitely do better as it was taken sick.
2. Now 23, started my first job as 'visitng research assistant' at the University of Leeds, basically being paid to read academic journals.
3. Born and raised in Hong Kong, not an American citizen. Moved to the UK without ever been there because I am 'technically British'
4. Incredibly committed to career in IR. Moved to the UK because I wanted a career in IR, because relevant career opportunity in HK is rare.
5. Extremely focused in Energy Issues. Landed a gig recently on a Hong Kong IR-focused online publication writing a weekly column on energy politics. Most of the other writers are full university professors/academics.
6. Open to an academic career but mostly want to eventually work in major international organizations/politics when thing changes in China.
7. Drawn to IR programs in the States like SIPA, SAIS, Tufts and georgetown.
I just want to make general chit-chats and see if you guys have any general recommendations =) thanks!