Program-wise, mostly, and general happiness level of students. So UCSD has a bigger stipend and travel funding for conferences, Scripps and Salk were awesome, but I have to say I was more impressed by the grad students at UW. They were very down to earth, fun, and I felt like they were more comfortable talking about their research. Not sure, but could this be indicative of better mentorship at UW?
Hey! So I met a lot of you guys who interviewed at both UW and UCSD. Can someone please help me make a pros/cons for each place? I'm really torn between the two!
I wonder if grad students have any input in the final selection process. Like, if one were to accidentally let slip that a particular school is not your top choice while having drinks with the grad students, would they relay that on to the admissions committee? Especially with personal questions like relationships and we have to think carefully about every single answer we give? I'm scared!
Has anyone heard back from UCSD regarding travel arrangements? I completed the survey on Monday and haven't heard anything from them yet. I wonder if we are booking and then being reimbursed, or if they are booking the plane tickets for us.
I've received several interviews on the west coast (currently residing on the east coast) and some schools have you book your own flight, but they suggest dates for departure and arrival. If, for instance, the official interview dates are Thurs-Fri, would it be inappropriate to book the departure flight for Sunday instead of Saturday. I would definitely pay for one night's hotel stay out of pocket. It just sounds nice to have one free day to explore a city I might potentially be spending the next 5-6 years in. Has anyone done this before? Would it be rude to ask?
Thanks! call said official email will be sent out within the next couple of days. Interview period is at the end of February. Didn't give me precise dates.