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  • Application Season
    2014 Spring
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  1. Hi boomer: i'm not sure if I can offer any solid advice. The only thing I can say I did do was to take the comments from the reviewers very seriously. I did all I could to address and incorporate every single comment in my re-write. Perhaps that is what worked for me.
  2. It was an email addressing both PI and co-PI. It came in earlier today. Good luck to you!
  3. just got funding recommendation for anthro. good luck to all those who are waiting!
  4. For us anthros, I thought Mantz made is very clear that reapplication was not going to be possible for this cycle. Maybe it is different for sociology folks?
  5. Anthro people, there is a different program officer and review cycle for sociology, isn't there? I don't think the fact that sociology results are out should cause panic amongst the anthros. It probably only means that our own results will be coming out any moment. This doesn't help the anxiety though...
  6. anyone got any further news from Mantz?
  7. Surely this must be the week when we hear the results...I can't believe how Mantz's "two weeks before we get the results" have extended into almost 4 weeks now!!
  8. hmm, any idea when were are expecting to get the official emails? This coming Friday will make it two weeks since the review panels met, right?
  9. MWO6, I received the same response from Mantz as you, with no mention of proposal rating. I have been trying to decipher what it might mean that we did not receive a rating and another person did. I suppose it is this long drawn-out wait that is prompting all these speculations. And yes, it is a bummer that we cannot re-apply in January. As ADDABD has said, it might be a good time for first time proposals, as indeed our revised proposals are not going to be possible. arrrghhh!
  10. Thank you MW06. I was just curious if Jeff Mantz also told you that your proposal was rated competitive? A colleague of mine received a response that was almost the same as what you have mentioned, except that her's also said that her proposal was rated competitive. Thanks!
  11. Thanks padthai234, is that how announcements were made in the previous rounds?
  12. Anyone else heard anything from DDIG?
  13. varodai, a colleague of mine heard back 'no' from cultural anthropology about three weeks back already. My status has been the same as yours. Hope we hear something soon!
  14. It happened to me a couple of time last week before the proposal came back on as 'pending' again. I am assuming that happens when they are updating the site/ proposal. I don't think it means anything positive or negative, just that they are working on the proposal...
  15. Sorry to hear that Lumi. Was the NSF reply you received for Cultural Anthropology BCS division?
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