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  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
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  1. I received my BA from a small, unknown public liberal arts school and got admitted to 2 PhD programs, 1 MA program and removed myself from the waitlist at another MA program. I accepted a fully funded offer for one of the PhD programs.
  2. Going to Michigan State
  3. Thanks, superhamdi! I will hopefully be posting the official decision there soon... Still awaiting some stuff, though.
  4. I think a new thread with Final Decisions should be created. I don't want to create it, though, since I have yet to make any final decision!
  5. That's not my post, but I was accepted to their PhD. Havent contacted me about funding yet, though.
  6. Just got accepted off the of the wait-list to Michigan State's PhD program. I'm the very top on the list for a five-year fully funded package. If you were admitted and plan on declining the offer, I beg you to please do so asap. I don't know who you are/where you live, but I send you virtual hugs and love. Would mean the world to me. I would likely commit to this offer if posed...
  7. Bah, I'm still waiting on Oregon MA as well. It's looking like bad news since a few have apparently heard back acceptances through e-mail. I contacted the DGS the other day and he said that the decisions would be out before the end of the week.
  8. Thank you for the information. And congrats! Way jealous of you. Are you thinking of taking the offer? And thanks for thinkin of us when askin about other admission
  9. Claim the UOregon Masters acceptance? What did they say? I was rejected from the PhD but am being considered for the Masters. Still haven't heard anything. Still would love an acceptance from them, even if it is for the Masters!
  10. Woah, yeah, we are in a very similar situation! NYC is my favorite place in the world too, and moving away from it is terrifying. I hope something works out for you as well!!! Fingers crossed for Fordham and co.
  11. I'm with you on Fordham. I'm from the NYC metropolitan area, and I love the program. Would be such an incredible fit for me. I'm hoping for the wait-list... Right now my list is, for the most part, done. I have a PhD acceptance (but I'm on a wait-list for funding, and judging by the DGS e-mail to me, it is looking kind of grim), a PhD wait-list (this too is looking kind of grim), two PhD rejections but considering me for their MA, and a bunch of flat out PhD rejections. The only schools I haven't heard any official word from are Fordham and Villanova. How about you?
  12. Thank you for the information. I'm going to go with a congratulations (it seems like a very promising e-mail)! I really wanted Fordham, but I have a feeling it's looking grim.
  13. Anyone wanna claim that Fordham entry? I am realllllllllly hoping for an e-mail...
  14. I'm really hoping for 'nova and/or Fordham. Preferrably the latter. Gettin anxious! Ya'll waiting on Fordham as well?
  15. Is this in reference to Villanova or Temple?
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