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Posts posted by sm321

  1. Thank you to those who responded regarding MA programs. My undergrad university had a very small polisci program, so an MA would definitely expose me to a lot more. Your responses reassured me and I feel like it certainly won't be a waste to pursue one of these degrees.

  2. I'd like to expand on the previous post with a few related questions. As someone who got rejected from every PhD program, how do I gauge which MA programs can help prepare me for PhD work? 


    I'm currently debating between a few options. Some of the schools are more "policy" oriented, like GW, Denver, and American, so I can cross them off the list. Other Schools like NYU and Columbia, which offer Masters degrees in their PoliSci departments, seem like good options, but I don't know if I can afford two years... 

    On the other hand, Chicago's CIR program seems like a great fit, but is one year of study enough to prepare someone for PhD work? Compared with these programs, how do adcoms view 'taught' degrees from universities abroad, like LSE? 


    Basically, when admissions committees look at a student's prior degrees, how do the curriculum, structure, and duration of the degree affect its credibility?

    Are these programs actually good at training future academics, or are they viewed as a way to kill time between cycles? (This is my main question, you can ignore everything above if you want).

  3. The universe is playing a sick, cruel joke on me--third time in a week I received a telemarketing call to my cell phone from California, and I never get those sorts of calls because I never give out my cell phone number. 


    I am convinced some schools sold my information or something. I have been receiving so many telemarketing calls from states that have schools where I applied. Calls on both my house and cell phone... and I never get calls like this.

  4. Thanks to those who responded regarding masters programs, etc.


    Did you all do Masters in PS or in some other subject? I've applied to some IR masters, some area studies, and some broader social science programs (like MAPSS at Chicago and QMSS at Columbia) to add diversity to my background. Would this help a future PS PhD application? Or would it dilute my credentials? 


    I came from a large but mediocre public school. While I did well in undergrad, I know that relatively, my application was probably not impressive compared to students from better schools. Hopefully a masters program helps show schools that I am fit for admission :)

  5. Congrats to all the recent admits!


    To those who heard bad news, I'm right there with you. So far I have two rejections, and at least three of my other schools seem to be sending things out, but I'm just not receiving anything. I'm slowly coming to terms with the idea of taking a few years and then reapplying. I'm just out of undergrad, so, while I would love to get started on a PhD now, I know I still have a lot more maturing to do. I'm just dreading telling my professors who wrote recommendations. They were so optimistic about my chances lol.


    For those who got rejected in previous cycles and reapplied this year... what did you guys do in between? I applied to a few Masters programs, but even those are competitive. Any job I could hope to get seems so distant from research work, and I don't know how it would actually strengthen my future applications.

  6. Question to those already enrolled:


    When do most programs ask you to start teaching courses? I had one professor who said he had to teach his first year as a grad student, while others said they didn't teach at all. Is it all determined by funding packages, or are there departmental requirements for teaching?

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