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Posts posted by chemystery

  1. I'm always 50/50 on it. I'm coming out of undergrad and know there are some things I would like to review/teach myself before I go to grad school and get my butt kicked for a couple years. But a summer break of 3+ months is a little long, and I have the opportunity to work for a professor that is just getting started at the university and needs pubs. Aka I'ma get me some pubs (first time in my life). 

  2. So I emailed columbia to see if they received my GRE scores, since it still said awaiting on my application status.  They emailed me back saying that they still haven't run the program to match up my GRE score with my application, but they were received.  Does this mean they have yet to begin reviewing my application?  It was submitted before the deadline of December 15th.

    Same here. Haven't heard anything from them. 

  3. What should a prospective student expect if he/she is interviewing prior to acceptance to a graduate program. 



    Example: I am interviewing at UCSF for Chemical Biology this weekend. Thoughts on what I should prepare to talk about while I am there? 

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