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Don'tHate's Ghost

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Posts posted by Don'tHate's Ghost

  1. I'm at Kentucky (undergrad) and was just accepted into the Masters (email received at 9.30pm this last Tuesday evening). I don't know about waitlist information, but I imagine at this stage that all letters have been sent out as I know the current grad. students are already emailing accepted students about campus visits. I hope you made it though. If I find anything out, I'll be sure to come back and post.


    Thanks, SallyCinnamon. And congrats!

  2. I did not apply to Kentucky, but I love your username. What happened to Don'tHate?


    But more importantly, CONGRATS ON KENTUCKY! 


    Have no idea, but you know they didn't apply to Kentucky...


    Thanks! Except I haven't been accepted yet. I'll take your congratulations as a good omen though.  :)

  3. Hi Everyone,


    I'm a longtime lurker who has been accepted to one school (only applied to 4--I know), but I have not heard anything from Kentucky. 



    Has anyone been waitlisted? Nobody has posted one, but there have been many acceptances popping up lately. I imagine that a good deal of those will decline, but who knows. 


    This school would be perfect due to its proximity to my spouse, so I have finally broken down and decided to send this feeler out. 

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