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Posts posted by DirtyLabCoat

  1. Got a Yale BBS (immunology) reject yesterday. Expected since it looked like they sent out most of their interview invites before the holidays. Just need to hear back from Stanford at this point, though I assume that's a rejection too since it looks like some micro/immuno invites went out earlier this week. Infinitely grateful for the interviews that I've got, and excited to start visiting these schools. 


    Anybody reading this who's bummed out about lots of rejections and what may be shaping up to be an unsuccessful application cycle: I know it doesn't seem like it right now because of how much it hurts, but this is not the end of the world. I went through that last year, and when compared to my experience this time around it's like night and day. And if you get into 1 program this year that you don't think is a good fit, don't force it on yourself. Last year I only got into 1 place that I really didn't like after interviewing, but it still looked like an awfully tempting option once I found that nobody else wanted me. Looking back I'm so happy that I didn't accept that, since I think I would have been miserable there for the next 5-6 years. Taking another year or 2 off will help so much with your application profile, and it's likely that with more experience you'll get interviews at a dream school. In the grand scheme of things, another year of your life spent working really isn't that bad - OK, maybe you'll end up graduating when you're 30 instead of 29, but that's absolutely not worth going somewhere that you're not in love with. Don't settle for less than you deserve just because things didn't work out in your favor this round; the best things are worth waiting for, right?


    another U. wash person I see

  2. For those who applied to UW immunology--just curious, did you guys follow the weird prompt on the application (personal statement instead of SOP, with the emphasis not really on research). I hemmed and hawed and ending up submitting a garbled piece of crap. SOOOO surprised I actually got an interview.

    Mine was mine entire research history coupled with why the school and specific faculty fit with my interests and experience, and a tiny bit about who I was (first gen college etc.)

  3. just curious has anyone has any contact at all with Stanford Biosci office for Micro and Immuno, specifically Wanapa Veeraprasit? I've  tried multiple days to contact them but no one has picked up unlike the other home programs


    Nvm, contacted by M+I saying all invites were sent already "


    The admissions process is a subjective process and several factors (course work, GRE scores, Letters of Recommendations and Personal Statement) are taken into consideration.  Since the Admissions Committee and the applicant pools changes each year, the committee may weigh each of the criteria differently.


    Thank you for your interest in Stanford and wish you the very best of luck with your future studies and career."



  4. Did they specify mail or email? I heard that some official interview invitations were sent via mail on Friday, meaning that we might not get them until sometime this week.

    where did you hear they were being sent via regular mail? and it seems weird that they would send invites via different methods to students the same program but idk

  5. So I just called my department specifically (biology), and they said "they're in the process of sending things out within the next week or so"... perhaps there is hope. did you call the main office, or your program specifically?

    No one has been picking up in my home program for the past few days... So I called the main biosci office and asked if all home programs were done. And she told me that as of  today they were done sending things for ALL programs... so now your info is surprising and hopeful lol

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