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  • Application Season
    2013 Fall

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  1. i didn't have any prereqs and i was accepted to multiple programs! actually, during my admissions process i heard numerous times that many schools prefer out of field applicants because they come in with diverse perspectives and background knowledge and they tend to be as or more successful than students entering with a background. so you won't be at a disadvantage at all! feel free to message me if you have any questions and good luck!
  2. I will be going to Vanderbilt! Hope to see some of you in Nashville in the fall!!
  3. i attended columbia's event today. there were about 20 of us there, so i imagine there will be quite a few more at the event next weekend!
  4. not exactly sure yet where I will be attending, but I officially declined my offers at GW, MGH, and BU. hope this helps someone on the waitlists!
  5. so im not sure if any of you were also wondering about this, but i called BU and asked if there's any chance for merit funding if you didn't already receive it (basically--is there a funding waitlist). And there's not. So if the people they offered funding to don't accept, they don't offer it to anyone else. I know MGH does this as well (and emerson might too, not sure). it kind of upsets me though. you would think that if they have the money to offer, they shouldn't just keep it if someone declines. especially considering their tuition is already so high! oh well!
  6. Is nyu really 68k a year?? Just got my financial aid package and that's what it totals to if I do all scholarships/loans. That's crazy!
  7. i was awarded 5,000 per semester for a total of 20,000. good luck!!
  8. I attended both the Emerson and mgh open houses and was really impressed by both. I got a completely different feel at the two though, and I definitely think the current students at both places were right in saying that some just prefer one environment to the other and that's how they make their choices. I personally liked the Emerson program better which makes it easier for me because it's cheaper, but if you got a better feel from mgh, then I would talk to current students and the financial office and see what they say. I spoke to MANY current students at both places who were choosing between mgh, Emerson and bu so I'm sure a lot of them had the same concerns you do and would be helpful to talk to!
  9. so looks like bu financial info is due april 1st which is interesting considering the visit days arent even until the 5th and 6th. should we fill it out even if we aren't sure yet where we will be attending? or..is this a fafsa thing that financial info for all places is due on the 1st?
  10. I can go by the schools I applied to because I'm out of field with no prereqs! Mgh and Emerson both allow you to apply without prereqs, but you have to take them by the time you matriculate. Bu allows you to apply without prereqs and you only need language acquisition completed before you matriculate. New York medical college doesn't require any prereqs to apply or matriculate. Hope this helps!
  11. anyone know if any of the online programs offer "acoustic and articulatory phonetics" as a course? rather than phonetics and speech science as two separate courses?
  12. i applied this year with none of the prereqs and limited background (i shadowed/was a research assistant for an slp last summer but that was it) so it's definitely possible. feel free to PM me if you have further questions!
  13. i already pretty much accepted the fact that i didn't get in, so hopefully the letter wont hit too hard (never know until you actually read a rejection, haha!)
  14. Just a heads up, I just got an email saying my decision was posted!
  15. https://app.applyyourself.com/ayapplicantlogin/applicantconnectlogin.asp?id=col-tc
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