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Posts posted by serenitynow

  1. Sorry to hear that. I had the same situation last year. All 5 schools I applied to I was rejected. It definitely hurt, but nothing could ever come between me and my artistic convictions and getting into grad school. This last year really made me up my game and really prove myself, not just as an artist, but as a person. It was definitely needed. Most my mentors applied 2, even three time to get in and now I'm amazed by what they are doing. Learn from this and make next year even better and apply to the same schools, it shows them how much you really want it. This year, one year later: one acceptance, one rejection, and two interviews. Best of luck and by all means don't give up! Use it as fuel!!


    Hi, congrats on Hawaii... can I ask if they gave decent funding?

  2. Got an official rejection from Cornell today, that just leaves VCU and since I was not interviewed, I can most assuredly write them off. So rejections all around!! Oh well, life goes on. 


    I was going to say the same thing as Erpnope. Have you considered illustration? Your work has some interesting elements but seem more illustrative to me, than fine art. I think you'd be a strong candidate for illustration programs. 

  3. Re USC - I emailed one of the faculty I had been in touch with. There had been a weird glitch with their system so when I didn't hear back I was worried it was because of that. He was super nice about it - but alas, no acceptance. He mentioned they were about to send out notices - this was Monday. Also, later that day I spoke with a friend who interviewed with USC and though he hadn't heard back, someone he knew had already been accepted into the program. Perhaps they wait to know who will accept before doing final notifications?

    I imagine that is what is going on with Irvine and RISD - but I am ready to start making a decision, so finality would be nice.


    Good to know.... no interview and no news now probably means rejection. You have a couple of great options... good luck!

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