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  • Gender
  • Location
    Philadelphia, PA
  • Interests
    19th. C American Lit, Critical Theory, The Culture Industry, Marxism
  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
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SleepyAlligator's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Perhaps this is just my anxiety getting the best of me, but I haven't heard much of anything from Buffalo after accepting their offer. I faxed all the relevant stuff and indicated my acceptance on gradmit, but haven't gotten any further correspondence from them. Is anybody else here in this predicament? Thanks!
  2. Marx Benjamin Deleuze (& Guattari) Melville
  3. Anybody know what is going on with Berkeley? A ton of other schools that notified after them have unleashed their onslaught of rejections. Is there still hope?
  4. Nothing in my message center. Tragic.
  5. What's with the periodic Duke rejections? Mine's still not ready. Is this a good sign or are they just subtly torturing me?
  6. Can anybody claim the Duke rejection today? My status still says "Decision not ready"...
  7. I'm currently being bored nearly to tears by the Grundrisse, but just finished Franco Moretti's Graphs, Maps, and Trees which is a fascinating read.
  8. Was the e-mail (assuming you are also the post on the results board) personalized, pray tell?
  9. With all this talk about implicit rejections, I was wondering if not hearing from Buffalo by this point constitutes one. If so, that is sorely disappointing, as my adviser said it would be a good safety for me. Here's to hoping that we'll all hear something from Duke, Chicago, etc. soon!
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