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Posts posted by falcon5

  1. I received a letter in the mail from UofT informing me that I was refused for admission to the epi program. Definitely some sad news :(


    At this point, I think I have decided to attend the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Although the school has a great reputation, the tuition costs are something to consider.


    Did anyone else apply to LSHTM?

  2. I've JUST received an acceptance email for the UofT MPH - Epidemiology program with Global Health Emphasis. My status online hasn't changed (stil 'under review'). 

    I was starting to worry because I haven't been getting any updates from the program and I haven't been receiving any generic emails (re: open house or housing). I will be accepting this offer! 

    Good luck to everyone still waiting! 


    Thank you so much for the advice! I really, really appreciate it. Unfortunately, I ended up declining because they didn't end up extending the deadline and I wasn't ready to commit to it without being completely sure about it. Also, I recieved an email from uoft epidemiology today as well, to complicate matters. 


    Congratulations on your acceptances! That is really awesome news! :)


    Unfortunately, I didn't receive such an email. I suppose the second round will go out in May for spots that were refused from this round of offers.

  3. Got a rejection letter in the mail today from U of T (health promotion).


    Stats: 3.8 GPA, worked in public health research lab (family medicine) for 2 years. One lit review on route to being published. Also work in another psyc lab. Travelled to the dominican to do public health work. worked at a sexual assault centre as well (held leadership/advocacy roles here ). 


    Pretty bummed and don't get it. 


    Although I applied to Epi at UofT, those stats are really good. I am surprised that you were not at least put on the waitlist.

  4. Hey, did you happen to recieve another email from McGill regarding the MPH? I posted earlier about being rejected, based on it saying refused under my status on the website (I hadnt gotten any emails). Then I received an email apologizing because they might have sent out a letter of refusal and it was a mistake and they have placed me on the waiting list. I wonder if this has happened to other people too...very confusing and I don't know what to expect from them anymore.


    We are in the same boat again ;)


    Which program did you apply to? :( I was also refused, for MPH, but did not receive an email. I found out through the website.


    Since both applications are processed independently, I applied to the MSc in Epidemiology and the MSc in Public Health. I got a rejection email for each program.

  6. I was waitlisted for epi at UofT. I found out about being waitlisted after emailing them to ask about the status of my application. I didn't receive an invitation to the open house, BUT in the same response back, the person wrote " As an FYI, you should also have received e-mails from the Graduate Division about an open-house on April 19th – that too is a good opportunity to ask questions. " 


    So apparently, I should have received an email, but did not!


    Thanks for the info! I'm in the same boat, no email here.



    I didn't receive that email regarding the open house and I'm wait listed as well. By chance did they mention to you when you should expect a response from them regarding being accepted or not ?


    I was told we should find out sometime in May.

  7. Sorry for joining this thread late. I know that this question was posed a few times, but it doesn't seem like there was a clear answer.


    For those of you who were waitlisted for the Epi program at UofT, did you receive an invitation for the open house? Or is this only of students who were accepted?


    Thanks! And congrats to everyone who got into the university of their choice :)

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