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Posts posted by Spatula

  1. That's a tough question to answer since I'm assuming everyone's package is different. But I did hear from some folks that the program is good at encouraging fellowship submissions and usually try to remedy living expenses with GSI and GSR salaries. 

  2. I was in the same exact situation as you this past application cycle and didn't listen to my UG adviser when he suggested I get someone else from my M.A. My advice, get 2 or more letters if you can from your M.A. program and have your UG as a fourth OR ask him if he has the confidence to write you a STRONG letter of rec. Found out from inside sources that I was rejected from my first choice because one of my letters was not walk-on-water-glowing-in-the-dark strong. Luckily, I got into a top program.


    Anyways, good luck and do your best!!

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