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Everything posted by Osiander

  1. You are definitely right about that. The first thing I did after I received the email was check GradCafe. I wouldn't have done that if I were accepted or rejected. Or at least, I wouldn't post anything about it. I doubt it. I think we're looking at 200 awards as usual. Of course, I only base that on the lack of evidence to the contrary. I think some of the DoD agencies must still be deliberating, whereas others are more on the ball.
  2. Okay, so under "Evaluation and Selections" on the website it says this: "An evaluation panel in each discipline reviews all complete and eligible applications. Each application is evaluated by a panel whose expertise is in the science or engineering discipline of the applicant's proposed doctoral degree program. The evaluation of applicants is based on review of their entire online application, including academic records, personal statements, recommendations, and GRE scores. The top applications that are ranked by the evaluation panel are then forwarded on to the Department of Defense. The DoD then selects applicants to receive NDSEG Fellowships based on an assessment of the applicants’ academic ability in fields of interest to the DoD. Selection of awardees is made by the Army Research Office, Office of Naval Research, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and the High Performance Computing Modernization Program. Each agency directly monitors the awards conferred to fellows in discipline areas closely related to its mission" Perhaps this means that people who were sent "still being considered" emails made it past the evaluation panel and are currently in the process of being considered by the DoD.
  3. Well it looks like there have been a couple rejections in biosciences according to the results page. So I guess "still being considered" doesn't mean nothing.
  4. I also applied under biosciences.
  5. I'm hoping that they have at least narrowed down the field a bit. That's what I had initially assumed after reading the email.
  6. I was given the "your application is still being considered for an award" email. I kind of lost hope after getting outright rejected for the NSF GRFP. I'm not sure whether I should start getting hopeful again, or if this is a waitlist that so many people are on that I probably won't get awarded in the end. Does anyone know if this sort of thing has ever happened before with regard to the NDSEG? In any case, I hope I get notified before April 15th, because this could definitely impact what school I choose to attend in the Fall.
  7. And Express has 40% off everything until April 1st. Just FYI
  8. Hi budgie, I still haven't heard back from UCSD. Do you know when the interview date(s) are for UCSD?
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