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Posts posted by afraymi

  1. Hi again everybody! I would like to share with you the good news that I finally got off Rutger's waiting list! Thanks for your prompt decisions! I wish all of you have heard or will hear good news too!

    I think I am displaying symtons of Phonolog-Syndrome: I can't really trust the news before receiving the official letter :-)

    congratulations for the offer and don't be nervous about Phonolog-Syndrome. it's VERY rare.

  2. Yes, I do believe they owe me some sort of explanation, but I can see very clearly that my e-mails are being BCC`d and CC`d to administration - they know they messed up and are probably being advised to not say too much - sticking to last minute funding changes is all that they can say. Because I was told repeatedly I was admitted.

    As far as their "waiting list" ... eesh, I don't think I'd want to go there now. What's truly upsetting is all my POI's who I held in such great esteem - I've lost so much respect from the blatant lack of respect they had shown me. Being a pessimist, I suppose I imagined this scenario. But I didn't think it would happen.

    Fingers crossed for Mich.

    I think you should not give up on your admission and you shouldn't loose your hope. I think there should be at list one admitted student who is not attending and they'll put you in at the end. In my opinion in any case you shouldn't tell them about your other options even if you admitted into UMich. I wish you the best.

  3. This is outrageous. I'm very surprised that such thing can happen. Sorry.

    You should email the graduate director and discuss the situation. Even if you don't want to go there you should try to understand and resolve the issue because it shouldn't remain an unresolved concern for you.




    I just saw one for linguistics. Super nervous now.

    Hope you get into your dream program Afraymi. And best of luck for everyone waiting out there! I will keep all of my fingers and toes crossed.

    You are right MissTrace. It was just one rejection the others where 14 Feb not 14 March, my mistake. I think (with probability 90%) i'm going to free a slot at UMass MissTrace in the next week. I'm inclined to Cornell and if i come out of waiting list at UWashington i'll go for that.

  4. Oh thanks! I will definitely get a data plan. Hope my 4-year-old iPhone will bring me some good news so the data plan is worth the money :lol:

    Btw I just found another rejection from Rutgers posted on the result page. Not sure why they are kicking people out of the waiting list at this stage...


    There are 3 rejections on 14 March. It seems that some admitted students have accepted their offers.

  5. I withdrew from McGill and about a decision between Cornell and UMass i think i'm going for Cornell to work more on computational linguistics than theoretical and i'll withdraw from UMass on Sunday this week (with probability of 90%). It may be a good news for wait-listed people at UMass. I'm still waited in Washington and Northwestern. I would go for big cities but as i'm an international and should go for U.S. Visa sooner i think i'm going to accept Cornell's offer in the next week.

  6. I think you should taste CL before really going for it. There are many Intro to CL courses which of course need programming skills. You should know what you are going to invest your time. CL starts from counting and extends to many advanced topics such as many advanced machine learning algorithms.

    Computational methods are just about methodology of research and not about the content of research. What content are you interested to work in. I mean sound, syntax, semantics etc. by content.

    For example you can do research in all these contents without a computational methodology of research using experimental or field methods.

    One example:

    You can start to work on parsing sentences using CYK, Chart Parsing, PCFG, Inside-Outside algorithm for grammar induction 


    you can use just simple information theoretic (mostly counting) methods in online sentence processing which is usually acompanied by experimental methods.


    I think the second approach which is more cognitive/psycholinguistics and has some computation in it is more matched to interested students without a sound knowledge in computing though you can work on your computing knowledge and after getting it you can work on more mathematical sides.

  7. I'm an international married dependent completely on UMass's fund which is 19k for academic year and nothing for summers. Is it possible to live with that fund there at UMass?

    I have another admission from Cornell which gives me 23k for academic year and 4500 for summers and the place is less expensive than Amherst i think.

    The problem is i really like the UMass's program which is also more prestigous (Linguistics).


    Will there be any job in summers for about 1500$/month?

  8. I got my rejection from Chicago too. I had hopes in that.

    Now i have just UMD, Northwestern and Washington (CL) to wait for. If i get admission from any of them it will probably be my top choice.

  9. Sorry, what I meant was that the offers for interviews have already been sent out, so I think that the accepted students (to be determined after the interview process) will be selected from the shortlisted (interviewed) applicants. 


    Oh if that's the case i've lost one of my best shots but i emailed my POI and he told me decision about your case has not made. Maybe he wanted to be polite and let the department do the dirty works. If this is the case, i'll have to keep my eyes on Northwestern and Chicago and hope and hope.

  10. but i don't know about the funding package of UMD yet. They may have a better funding package. Funding in my case is an important factor. I'm also trying to check if i can get funds or some kind of job from UMass in summers.

  11. Anyone applied to Maryland and waiting? they have a good program there (and YES it is a warmer place than northeast and the funding package may be more attractive than UMass-- if anyone knows about the funding package at UMD please message me) and it seems that they have sent out their offers. If can i get an offer from UMD i'll wait for it till the last moment and i'll choose it over UMass. UMass seems not able to support students in summers and for me who is an international married applicant this seems to be a serious obstacle.

  12. So, Chicago made offers to 11 out of 130 applicants, and I'm not one of them. They seem to be officially done with their admissions for Fall 2013.


    Also, UMass is expecting to make their final decisions on February 27.


    REALLY? Have anyone contacted the university and they responded the above notification or it is part of the admission offer email?

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