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Everything posted by galactic1088

  1. Lol, agreed...ten times over
  2. I don't know how many are waitlisted. The DGS said it was a very short list. I know of a few people who will most likely be declining, so I remain optimistic. When conversing with the DGS, he made it seem like I had a good shot of getting off the list, but we shall see.
  3. Agreed. The people who are waitlisted at places, myself included, would greatly appreciate quick and decisive decisions (as much as possible). Obviously, there is a need to weigh out one's options and make rational, informed decisions, but this can all be done well before the April 15th deadline, in most cases. People who procrastinate only end up causing undue stress for those waiting for a spot to open up. Finish your cost benefit analyses and commit to an offer Although, in all honesty, I am sort of stringing along an acceptance or two until I hear back from a couple programs I have been waitlisted from. But still, the position I am in necessitates this because most folks have not started making decisions, especially at top programs (the likes of which I am still waiting to hear more from ). Until they do, I have no choice but to hold my options open while I wait for the potential of better offers. It's kind of like getting stuck in traffic and waiting for the people in front of you to move around the obstruction, so you can, in turn, move forward. Right now, I feel like I am moving very slowly forward. People are still starring at the obstruction trying to figure out wtf to do. I think we are shortly approaching the point where people will be putting their metaphorical sports cars in gear and cruising forward, freeing up more room in their wake. Hopefully this will happen sooner rather than later, but I have a feeling I will be waiting until the end of March/early April...
  4. Yes, and I am still interested in attending.
  5. That's awesome! So you went out prior to the Visit Day? Were you still able to make the most out of the visit (i.e. meet some grad students/faculty, see campus/La Jolla/San Diego proper)?
  6. Is anyone planning on declining their offer of admission?
  7. I am hoping by Friday. UCSD is a top choice of mine, but I will need a full funding package in order to make it all feasible... I am bit concerned that there are not going to be that many full offers.
  8. Has anyone received their funding packages from UCSD yet?
  9. Nice job. Do you know if there is a visit day event? If so, could you let me know what weekend it is on?
  10. Same here. He would have been my main reason for applying... I have predominant interests in cognitive sociology and the philosophy of mind, but, unfortunately, did not have the time to get an application in to Rutgers. Omar Lizardo at Notre Dame is doing some really nice work in this area as well. Hopefully ND will want a prospective cognitive sociologist or two in the new cohort...
  11. Congrats to the Rutgers acceptances! Although I didn't apply there, I was very impressed with their program, especially along the lines of mind, cognition, and culture. I think they are doing some good work in this area.
  12. Indeed! I noticed Vandy made a few phone calls on a Saturday around this time last year...Of course, this is all per the admissions survey archive.
  13. Would you mind disclosing more information about this request? For instance, was it something you may have left out of your application or was it something in addition to all required materials?
  14. Thanks for the link. The number of offers is a little higher than I originally imagined! In one of the emails we got from Becky, I noticed there were 18 email addresses cc'd. I assume (since it was an email related to info about our itinerary) that there will be 18 individuals at the visit, barring any last minute complications (not a threat, nor a desire). I know someone on this blog has already indicated that they will not be attending. Even if five or six couldn't make the commitment and have to do the whole Skype thing, those are still pretty decent odds. At minimum, our chances are better than when we first applied hah.
  15. I am kind of in the same boat. Have only been rejected by 2 (top 3 programs), waitlisted by Indiana, but I haven't heard from the others, and the ones I have heard from have only tantalized me with interviews or the potential thereof. I will be attending the ND interview, so I am sure I will see you there. I, too, am quite nervous considering I haven't received a decisive verdict yet. From what I understand ND has a very nice program. However, I wonder how many who attend Visit Day get offers? I am sure if I lurk long enough, I could find the answer... or go mad in the process.
  16. ^^eerily slow... I am hoping the folks at Vanderbilt are wrapping things up on their end
  17. Did you receive an 'original' email to that effect or did you have to contact the DGS? Thanks for the update lydialiu! Good luck to you too!
  18. Hello all, I stumbled upon this most excellent forum recently and want to jump in. Does anyone know if UCSD is still finalizing decisions? I am hoping to hear something positive tomorrow because they are a top choice of mine... Also, is there anyone who has been recently accepted into Indiana but likely to rescind their offer? If so, could you kindly let me know. I'd like to think I am very close based on a conversation with the DGS.
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