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  • Location
    Mount Laurel, NJ
  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
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kmfa333's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Can i ask if you dont mind.. what is your solid back up plan? I dont have one and im curious about what other people are doing. I have no idea where to turn or what to do.
  2. Same here! I actually did get an email rejection though. The letter was attached to the email.
  3. I share your feelings on wanting to do things differently undergrad. I wish someone told me when I was 19 to just major in something else and do a post bac program. I didn't even know what that was until I was already in a hole too deep to get out of. It just sucks to be kicking yourself knowing that you didnt try your hardest.. because when youre 19-21 some people just get distracted. I did. At 24... Its much different now. Your stats look good! (A monkey probably could have gotten my stats...esp in the eyes of SLP admissions... I'm even worse off than you!!) Your experience looks great on the app too... Ill keep everything crossed for you.
  4. Anyone know if all of the Adelphi decisions have gone out already?? I havent heard a peep... there is quite a mix of acceptances/rejections/waitlists on the results page so I am a bit confused.
  5. I had always assumed yes. You could put down deposits for 10 schools and pick one later on... if you are willing to lose that much money. I don't think a deposit legally binds you or anything.. they cant MAKE you go there. But I could be wrong..
  6. I'm in the same boat here! Waiting for the mailman everyday like a puppy dog is starting to drive me crazy!! Something must be coming any day now.
  7. For those who have heard from Adelphi... did your status on the website change? Where/what does it say? I dont even see a space for a status
  8. Just to throw my little opinion in on the in vs out of field... I love that people from other fields are passionate enough about SLP to make a switch. As stated before by someone, we all want the field to grow with passionate people. As an in fielder, my only frustration is that I have this degree that is USELESS without a masters. I am often envious of the out of fielders. If they don't get in, they have a plan B already with their first degree. I have no plan B. I have a useless piece of paper. I have no idea where I would get a job or who would hire me at ALL. It keeps me up at night. Its such a hopeless desperation that I think many in fielders share. Does anyone know someone that didn't make the cut for SLP grad school and successfully went another route? What did they do? Where did they start? Please share (^^ congrats on ECU!)
  9. Did you work as an SPLA in Florida? Im starting to look into different state's SPLA policies.. obviously finding lots of confusing and mixed info. As a plan B I was thinking of moving somewhere and doing this (I am in New Jersey currently and SPLAs are not allowed). Anyone that can weigh in on this please help!
  10. I have a GRE question... I have heard mixed things about how schools look at GRE scores. If you have taken the GRE multiple times, will most programs take your best score of each of the sections? Or will they just look at the most recent test date that you have sent?
  11. I applied to Montclair as well... and I feel like I'm in the same boat as you. My stats are not impressive compared to many of the things I am reading on here/ in the results section and I can't help but get a little down about it. Trying to stay hopeful/positive though! I am hoping that they really look at me as a whole applicant... I feel like my SOP was strong and my experience speaks to my determination etc. I haven't heard anything yet about when we will be notified Congrats to everyone that has had good news!!
  12. I havent visited anywhere. I don't want to get excited... how about you?
  13. I applied fall.. haven't heard anything at all!
  14. Absolutely, I find the medical side so fascinating. Watching the videos are my favorite part of the day. Being on the floor I've gotten to see so much. It's weird because I never would have thought that I'd be so interested in the medical side. My stats are disgustingly awful though.. so I didn't bother applying to places like NYMC. Idk.. we shall see. If it doesn't happen this year I've already braced myself to step away from SLP and start down another path.
  15. Hey, I'm new here. Thank you so much for posting your experience. I am in the same boat as you, this is my second year applying, and I had really similar experiences to you this last year while trying to stay in the field (Ive been an undergrad assistant in the SLP department of a hospital 25 hours a week for the last 5 months, video swallows, feeding, taking LSVT data, peds, adults, the whole 9 yards) and everyone being so positive about your situation is helping me go less crazy over here... so thank you for sharing! Congrats on your interview!
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