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Posts posted by Panabelle

  1. Hey I just got an acceptance to the PhD English program at temple. They said the same thing regarding funding decisions in two or three weeks. Is this departmental code for "no funding"?


    Nope, they're playing you straight there. I found out I'm getting funded a while ago, but I was informed of my acceptance 2-3 weeks before that.


    Side note out of curiosity, anyone know the relative strength of rhet/comp at Temple? It's hard to get a sense of it through the stuff I've seen/read so far.

  2. On another note, did anyone else apply to Carnegie Mellon? Looks like they might be sending out admits this week too...


    AUGH I did! What evidence do you have for your speculation?


    Oh, that's simple. Once you get to a high enough position in academia, you turn into a vampire. You drink blood to survive, of course, but to walk in the day you need to drink in people's despair. Most of the year, the stress of one's own students is enough to get them through the day... but once a year, as winter turns into spring, as the days grow longer and life once again blooms, an extra infusion is required!


    Cunning and intelligent as academics tend to be, they soon came up with the graduate application process. Think about it: doesn't that explain it a lot better than any so-called rational explanation? ;P


    I wish I could give you a cupcake through the internet, because this made me giggle, but you'll have to be content with this upvote. My only amendment would be that they must feed on both despair AND anxiety, and probably founded this forum specifically to generate more of the latter. DIABOLICAL

  3. I'm still waiting to hear back from them, but I went there for undergrad so while I have an embarrassing lack of knowledge on grad program specifics, I'd be happy to answer whatever I can about the campus/atmosphere/Writing Center (worked as a tutor for two years).


    And congrats on your acceptances! :)

  4. Thanks, everyone! I had assumed rejection since so many acceptances went out yesterday, so it was a very surprising voicemail! It definitely sounds like they are still in the process of notifying, so I'll keep my fingers crossed for the other GradCafers waiting for news! 


    Proving that much of our theorizing and worrying about implicit rejections is very silly. :) And CONGRATS!

  5. Also, I think it's still early for Penn State. Based on a friend's experience with applying last year, seems like acceptances trickle out throughout the season. I've got zero expectations as far as when I might hear a decision from PSU. Sure hope it's a YES when I do hear something! ;)


    That's what I thought, but ohmygosh thank you for confirming my suspicions. I was freaking out when I saw a couple of notifications earlier, so it's nice to know I'm probably still in the running. :)


    That said, I find the whole "trickling" business infuriating because I want to know, dammit!

  6. Thanks, guys -- 6 more haven't officially rejected me. Unfortunately, a few of those (UMass, Penn St, Brandeis, Irvine) have already started notifying, and I've gotten nothing. Disappointing, I tell you. Tough to look ahead but it sort of helps with the dejection. Woof. Thanks for the support, though -- I really do appreciate it.


    Yeah, I'm counting UMass in my rejections too, and I'm waiting on Penn State as well, so I can relate. But even though there have been a few notifications, I still think there are definitely some for Penn St that haven't gone out yet! I'm not counting them as a rejection until I get my "thanks but no thanks" letter. OPTIMISM! :)



    Yeah, oof. I'm sorry, guys, but gradcafe 2013 crew is a complete shitshow. Some of you are cool. I hope your cohorts are cool.  :)


    I like to try cutting everyone some slack, since I know right now we're all pretty much like Datatape posted (albeit in a different context):






    (also I am NOT out of upvotes, so have one for this hilarious gif, you delightful person you)

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