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Everything posted by regina_apis

  1. The User ID thing turned out to be a good omen! Just got my acceptance today via postal mail. First choice school, I'm absolutely THRILLED.
  2. It's even MORE annoying than that when there are no decision reports for my program at my top school. Other programs for that school have been reporting since January, nothing posted about Art History though. So I'm totally in the dark. Are other people getting accepted? Rejected? I don't know
  3. I hear you loud and clear and would like to say that this applies to other programs too. F**k the whole process. People on the outside don't understand how grueling and soul-sucking it is to apply, and wait, and get rejected etc. I'm so sick of hearing "you can try again next year!" Sure, I *can*, but just because you can do something doesn't mean that you should, y'know? I honestly don't know if I have another round in me, and I worry that I will be disappointing the people who have been supportive of me if I decide to just move on. I think this is the scariest point in the process for me so far - deciding what to do next if the grad school route doesn't pan out for me.
  4. This is different from the one they gave me when I applied, though. It's a new thing that just appeared today. Aaaah I need to stop overthinking things.
  5. Please forgive my bad forum manners if anyone has already addressed this, but this thread is 21 pages long I checked my application status online today for my top choice school. The application status itself is still pending, but today I noticed the field for "User ID" which has thus far been blank says "Not yet established; in process" I have NO IDEA what the User ID is. A quick google search suggests that it may be my official email/computer account info which is assigned when someone is admitted or employed by the university. I can't think of why they would process a user ID, or anything else for that matter, for someone they are planning to reject. I don't want to jump the gun, though, or get my hopes up. This school's entire web system is a hot mess. They have multiple versions of the "check your application status" page, and I tried to log into another one of them a few nights ago because I was going batnuts insane and wanted to see if it would have any news. My login info that works with the one site doesn't work with the other, and I clicked on the "lost password" link to see if it would let me set up an account. So now I'm wondering, is the User ID just login info for one of their various other internet black holes...
  6. I've been lurking here for a few months and registered today just so I can say thank you. Maybe it seems like a small thing but it's nice to know I'm not the only person slowly losing my mind over the silence. I haven't had a lot of guidance through the whole application process and didn't know what to expect. I certainly expected an answer (ANY ANSWER) before now, and I'm relieved to know I'm not totally alone.
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